
Tagged: female health


Nowadays Infertility Problem is a serious concern in India. Infertility rate increasing day by day. Sunrise Hospital is the right path for Infertility. We offer the Best IVF Centre in Delhi with a 100% Fertility rate. We focus on patient comfort and proper consultation.

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Sunrise Hospital has the Best gynecologist in Delhi NCR. They perform gynecological surgeries with laparoscopic tools and equipment. The department provides a comprehensive range of treatments and therapeutic services to women of all ages. Specialized units for traumatic and non-traumatic gynecological procedures.

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joined 5 years, 4 months ago

Dr. Sidra Malik is an expert Private Doctor who qualified in 2008 and completed specialist GP training in 2013.

Since 2013, Dr. Malik has practised across medical and surgical disciplines, giving her invaluable experience to share with patients in areas such as urology, orthopaedics, emergency medicine, respiratory medicine and psychiatry.

With additional specialist qualifications in both Women’s Health and Sexual Health/Family Planning, Dr. Malik is one of the most experienced and capable GP’s in her cohort.

Noted for her empathy and understanding, with years of experience with Blossoms Healthcare, Dr. Malik is rightly one of the most popular Private Doctors in London.

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joined 5 years, 4 months ago

Dr. Vidya Kanthi qualified at UCL in 2007 and entered the Specialist GP Register in 2012, subsequently joining the Hertfordshire Performer’s List in 2016. Dr. Kanthi is a Clinical Diabetes Lead in her Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) and is also a Project Lead for Herts Valleys Integrated Diabetes Service.

In her role as an NHS GP Appraiser, Vidya is responsible for assessing the quality of care provided by a myriad of GP’s across the South East. Dr. Kanthi is also an Educational Supervisor for the national Physician Associate training programme.

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