
  • Ignoring lessons from failures and minority perspectives can result in misguided product development and investments
  • Leaders who only focus on success stories risk survival bias, leading to flawed strategies and poor decisions
  • Learning from failed ventures and former employees can offer insights to avoid common mistakes and ensure long-term success
  • To counter survival bias, companies need to diversify investments, stress-test assumptions, and embrace diverse viewpoints

The Dangers of Survival Bias in Business Strategy: A Conceptual Examination
In the competitive world of business, particularly in high-stakes industries like MedTech, leaders often focus on past successes and majority opinions when making strategic decisions. While this might seem logical, it can lead to a phenomenon known as survival bias, which occurs when decision-makers give undue weight to success stories and overlook critical lessons from failures. In a field where both innovation and patient outcomes are at stake, survival bias can be dangerous, fostering a false sense of security that can lead to misaligned strategies in evolving markets.

MedTech companies, for instance, might look to industry giants like Medtronic or Zimmer Biomet as models for success. However, emulating these successes without considering the failures of others can leave companies vulnerable to risks and challenges they have not anticipated. Survival bias blinds leaders to the realities of market misalignments, regulatory hurdles, and poor timing, all of which are important factors of success. By acknowledging both success and failure, executives can create more resilient strategies, which are better equipped to navigate the complexities of the MedTech landscape.

In this Commentary

This Commentary explores the risks that survival bias presents to MedTech companies. We examine how an overemphasis on past victories and prevailing opinions can lead to complacency, misguided investments, and missed opportunities for innovation. Importantly, we discuss strategies to mitigate these risks, including broadening decision-making frameworks to embrace the lessons of failure, fostering diverse perspectives, and testing assumptions.
The Concept of Survival Bias

During World War II, the Allied forces attempted to improve the survivability of planes returning from bombing missions over Germany. Military engineers began by examining the returning aircraft, documenting where they had been hit and survived. The initial plan was to reinforce the most damaged areas. However, Abraham Wald, a mathematician with Columbia University’s Statistical Research Group, offered a different perspective. Wald observed that the returning planes represented only those that had survived; thus, the damage visible on these aircraft did not provide a complete picture. He reasoned that planes hit in the areas with the least visible damage were likely the ones that had been shot down. His recommendation was to reinforce the undamaged areas to protect against the hits that proved fatal.

This insight is crucial for businesses where focusing only on successes can lead to blind spots. Leaders must be mindful of the lessons from companies and product offerings that failed, as these setbacks often hold the key to understanding the full dynamics of the industry. Ignoring such insights exposes companies to the risk of repeating past mistakes and missing emerging threats.

Survival Bias in MedTech Leadership

MedTech leadership often falls into the trap of survival bias, where executives prioritise majority opinions and past successes, side-lining minority viewpoints that could spark innovation. By focusing on replicating legacy product strategies, they risk overlooking the complex market and regulatory factors that initially contributed to those successes.

For example, the triumph of products like Medtronic’s pacemakers and Zimmer Biomet’s orthopaedic implants was not solely due to technical superiority. These companies also navigated intricate regulatory landscapes and evolving patient needs. Relying on outdated strategies without considering current market dynamics can lead to costly misjudgements. The healthcare field, particularly in MedTech, has seen significant shifts in regulation, technology, and patient expectations. Implantable devices that thrived two decades ago may now struggle against advances in minimally invasive procedures or stricter regulations.

Companies that remain tethered to legacy models risk developing products misaligned with today’s needs. Survival bias can also distort investment strategies, causing firms to over-invest in "proven" models while ignoring innovative approaches that could shape the future. This narrow focus may blind companies to transformative opportunities in an ever-changing market.

To avoid these pitfalls, MedTech leaders must be open to diverse perspectives and dissenting opinions. This broader outlook enables firms to better understand risks, seize new opportunities, and stay aligned with evolving market demands. Only by embracing continuous learning and adaptation can companies position themselves for long-term success in a highly regulated and competitive industry.

Learn to Learn from Failure

The key to avoiding survival bias is to recognise that setbacks can offer as much, if not more, insight than success. By studying ventures that failed, companies can gain a deeper understanding of the market dynamics and potential pitfalls they face. For example, ConforMIS’s attempts to transform knee implants through customisation highlight how promising innovations can struggle when faced with regulatory hurdles or scaling issues. Similarly, Theranos’s infamous collapse underscores the dangers of ignoring operational realities while focusing solely on innovation.

Learning from these missteps helps companies avoid repeating similar errors and better anticipate future challenges. This proactive approach not only prevents costly mistakes but also fosters a more comprehensive understanding of the industry.

Overcoming Survival Bias: Best Practices

To reduce survival bias and build more resilient strategies, leaders can adopt several best practices:
1. Encourage Diverse Perspectives
As Henry Ford once remarked, following majority opinion would have led to faster horses, not cars. True innovation comes from challenging conventional thinking. MedTech enterprises should actively foster a culture that embraces diverse viewpoints and dissenting opinions. Encouraging open debate can reveal blind spots and inspire breakthroughs, while ignoring minority perspectives can lead to poor decision-making and reduced competitiveness. By seeking external feedback from industry outsiders, regulators, healthcare providers, and even competitors, corporations can develop more adaptive strategies that promote long-term growth.

2. Learn from Non-Survivors
Engaging with former employees and examining past failures can provide valuable insights into ingrained behaviours and outdated practices that may be hindering success. Leaders should take the time to confront uncomfortable truths by investigating the reasons behind failed ventures. This approach offers a more realistic view of both internal and external challenges and helps companies identify potential risks before they escalate.

3. Broaden the Dataset
Expanding the scope of analysis to include failures helps companies avoid repeating costly mistakes. In MedTech, studying regulatory setbacks, technical challenges, and market misalignments can guide the development of stronger strategies. A balanced perspective that considers both successes and failures enable companies to navigate the complexities of the healthcare landscape more effectively.

4. Stress-Test Assumptions
Success can breed complacency, leaving companies vulnerable to disruption in fast-evolving sectors like healthcare. To stay ahead, organisations should stress-test their assumptions by running scenario-based simulations that consider various market, technological, and regulatory conditions. This process helps leaders anticipate the impact of factors like new regulations or shifts in patient preferences, allowing for greater agility and resilience in unpredictable environments.

5. Diversify Investments
Focusing too narrowly on a few products or strategies increases risk, particularly in industries prone to rapid change. To minimise this vulnerability, enterprises should diversify their investments across a range of products, technologies, and emerging trends. This approach reduces the impact of underperforming projects or sudden market disruptions, while fostering innovation and exploration of new growth areas.

Survival bias skews decision-making by focusing too heavily on successes while overlooking the lessons from failure. In the MedTech industry, where success hinges on a balance of innovation, market dynamics, and regulatory hurdles, this bias can lead to complacency and stagnation. Abraham Wald's seminal work during World War II, where he demonstrated the importance of analysing what was missing - in that case, the planes that did not return - offers a significant reminder. Just as Wald suggested examining overlooked data to improve decision-making, MedTech leaders should not solely celebrate past triumphs but also critically examine failures to avoid blind spots.

By actively seeking out and integrating diverse perspectives, MedTech leaders can foster a more innovative and resilient corporate culture. Stress-testing assumptions, broadening datasets to include failures, and diversifying investments are key strategies for overcoming survival bias. In doing so, companies can develop adaptive strategies that position them for long-term success in a rapidly changing healthcare landscape.
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  • In September 2024, Lord Darzi’s report warned that England's NHS was nearing collapse
  • Cloning Dr. Devi Shetty’s Narayana Health model could address challenges highlighted in the Darzi report
  • Shetty’s Narayana Health proves that high-quality care can be affordable and accessible to large populations, debunking the idea that higher costs equal better care
  • Western healthcare systems can adopt Shetty’s cost-efficient, tech-driven approach to create sustainable, equitable care, especially for aging populations
  • Narayana Health’s high-volume, low-cost model offers a blueprint for improving efficiency and expanding access to underserved communities
  • Western healthcare leaders can follow Shetty’s example by embracing flexibility and innovation to meet rising demand and limited resources

Revitalising Western Healthcare: Insights from Devi Shetty and Narayana Health

In September 2024, Lord Darzi’s Independent Investigation of the National Health Service (NHS) in England revealed a system on the verge of collapse, where patient confidence in the NHS's capacity to provide timely care is rapidly eroding. Although Darzi, a professor of surgery and former health minister, delivered a thorough and authoritative diagnosis of the NHS’s challenges, his mandate did not extend to offering concrete solutions.

Dr. Devi Shetty and  Narayana Health in India offer a compelling blueprint for Western healthcare reform with their innovative model. By prioritising efficiency, scale, and compassion, Narayana Health has dramatically lowered costs while maintaining world-class standards. Established in 2000, it has grown into a vast network of hospitals, serving millions annually, including an international outpost in the Cayman Islands. Through innovative methods such as economies of scale, telemedicine, and affordable pricing, Narayana Health has succeeded where many Western systems falter - delivering world-class healthcare at a fraction of the cost.


The US spends ~$4.5trn annually on healthcare - >17% of GDP - yet millions remain uninsured or underinsured. Meanwhile, the UK's NHS, funded through taxation, faces persistent disparities and long waiting lists. Both systems are burdened by rising costs and unequal access. In contrast, Narayana Health's success shows that affordability and quality care can coexist, pushing Western nations to rethink their costly, inefficient models. Shetty's approach offers a credible case study for addressing healthcare crises in developed nations, aligning with Darzi’s call for future healthcare investments to prioritise services beyond hospitals.

Shetty's work exemplifies how innovation, compassion, and cost-efficiency can transform healthcare delivery, providing hope for more equitable systems in the US, UK, and beyond.

In this Commentary
This Commentary examines Dr. Devi Shetty's healthcare model at Narayana Health in India as a potential blueprint for reforming Western healthcare. Faced with aging populations, rising costs, and workforce shortages, Western systems could benefit from Shetty’s approach, which emphasises: (i) streamlining operations without compromising quality, (ii) scaling best practices, (iii) expanding access to care, (iv) reducing long-term costs, (v) improving affordability, (vi) leveraging core strengths for better outcomes, (vii) optimising resources, (viii) fostering inclusivity, (ix) embracing innovation, and (x) designing for the future. The Commentary argues that by adopting strategies like process efficiency, task-shifting, and telemedicine, healthcare leaders can cut costs while maintaining high standards of care. It also explores the role of micro-insurance and public-private partnerships in expanding access to underserved communities, advocating for a more flexible, innovative, and inclusive healthcare system in the West.
Narayana Health

Founded in 2000 in Bangalore (now Bengaluru), Narayana Health began with a single hospital, Narayana Hrudayalaya, which quickly gained acclaim for its approach to cost-effective cardiac care. Over the next two decades, Narayana Health expanded rapidly across India, building a vast network of multispecialty hospitals, primary care facilities, and its flagship super-specialty cardiac hospital, which is one of the largest in the world. This facility includes 23 dedicated operating rooms, five digital catheterisation laboratories (including a hybrid lab), 200 critical care beds for post-operative patients, and one of the world’s largest paediatric intensive care units. Through economies of scale, telemedicine, and a strong commitment to accessibility, Narayana Health has grown to include >30 hospitals and >7,000 beds, serving millions of patients annually. The organisation marked its international expansion in 2014 with the establishment of Health City Cayman Islands, a state-of-the-art facility offering a wide range of medical services and emerging as a medical tourism hub in the Caribbean. Today, Narayana Health stands as one of India’s largest healthcare providers, known for its large-scale operations, high patient volume, and unwavering dedication to affordable care. This model offers lessons for Western healthcare systems like the US and the UK, where high costs and access barriers persist.

Streamlining Without Sacrificing Quality
Rising healthcare costs in Western systems are driven by advanced technology, expensive treatments, and administrative inefficiencies. Narayana Health demonstrates that affordable, high-quality care is possible through streamlined operations and centralised supply chains. By performing surgeries in high volumes, they lower per-patient costs, proving that efficiency need not compromise quality. Western systems can adopt similar strategies by cutting administrative overhead, standardising protocols, and shifting routine tasks to non-physician staff - driving cost savings without affecting care standards.

Scaling Excellence
Narayana Health’s success stems from its high-volume, low-margin model, which lowers the cost of advanced care. Performing a large number of surgeries enables economies of scale, making quality healthcare accessible to more people. This approach is relevant to Western healthcare, where the cost of individual procedures drives up expenses. Establishing specialised centres for high-demand procedures, such as joint replacements or cardiac surgeries, would concentrate expertise, boost efficiency, and reduce costs, while maintaining high-quality care. This strategy offers a sustainable path to addressing healthcare affordability.

Expanding Access to Care
Devi Shetty played a pivotal role in the success of the Yeshashwini micro-health insurance scheme, which was launched in 2003 to provide affordable healthcare to rural farmers in Karnataka, a state in the southwestern region of India. This visionary programme, driven by Shetty’s leadership, offered low-cost insurance that covered a wide range of medical treatments, including surgeries, for a minimal annual premium. By leveraging Narayana Health’s infrastructure and medical expertise, the scheme made quality healthcare accessible to millions of low-income individuals who had previously lacked coverage.

In 2024, Shetty and Narayana Health introduced the the Aditi health insurance plan, designed to address the healthcare needs of India’s growing middle class. The plan provides coverage of up to US$120,000 for surgeries and US$6,000 for medical management, all for an affordable annual premium of just US$120. Aditi goes beyond just financial protection, focusing on preventive care by offering discounted health check-ups and proactive health management. This initiative aims to remove common barriers such as hidden fees and long waiting periods, ensuring timely access to life-saving treatments.

The success of Yeshashwini and Aditi underscores the potential of innovative insurance models to address healthcare gaps worldwide. Western countries, particularly those with underserved populations, could adapt such frameworks to offer affordable coverage for preventive and essential care. Public-private partnerships could be instrumental in scaling these models to meet the needs of low-income and rural populations, helping to bridge healthcare access gaps in more developed nations.

Reducing Long-Term Costs
Preventive care is often underemphasised in Western healthcare systems, leading to higher costs associated with managing chronic diseases and emergency care. Narayana Health’s model, which integrates preventive care with its insurance schemes, offers an example of how a focus on prevention can reduce long-term healthcare costs.

Western healthcare providers and insurers might consider prioritising preventive care within their systems. By emphasising early interventions and preventive measures, healthcare systems can reduce the burden of chronic diseases, which are particularly prevalent among aging populations. This approach improves patient outcomes and reduces the overall cost of care, making healthcare more sustainable in the long run.

Extending Access and Reducing Costs
Narayana Health’s use of technology, particularly telemedicine, is another area where Western healthcare systems can learn lessons. Telemedicine allows Narayana Health to provide care to remote populations at a lower cost, improving access to healthcare for those who might otherwise be underserved.

In Western countries, particularly those with significant rural areas or aging populations, telemedicine has the potential to play a transformative role. By leveraging telehealth, AI-driven diagnostics, and remote monitoring, healthcare systems can extend access to care while containing costs. This is especially important in managing chronic conditions, where regular monitoring and timely interventions can prevent more serious and costly health issues.

Leveraging Strengths for Better Care
Narayana Health's collaboration with governments to provide affordable healthcare through insurance programmes highlights the potential of public-private partnerships in improving healthcare delivery. In many Western countries, public healthcare systems are stretched, while private options are often inaccessible for large segments of the population.

Expanding these partnerships could pave the way for hybrid healthcare models that harness the strengths of both sectors. Public systems would focus on core infrastructure and essential services, while private providers could offer specialised care at reduced costs using scalable models like those of Narayana Health. This approach would ease the financial burden on public systems while enhancing the quality and accessibility of care, making advanced medical services affordable for more people. These partnerships offer a strategic solution to the growing healthcare challenges in the West.

Maximising Resources
Public-private partnerships present a promising route to hybrid healthcare models that combine the strengths of both sectors. Public systems could concentrate on providing infrastructure and basic care, while private providers deliver specialised, high-quality treatments at lower costs through efficient, scalable methods, as exemplified by Narayana Health.

This collaboration would alleviate the financial strain on public healthcare systems, which often operate with limited resources, by distributing responsibilities across both sectors. At the same time, it would make advanced medical services more accessible and affordable to a wider population. By blending private sector innovation with the equity of public healthcare, such partnerships could help tackle the complex healthcare challenges facing Western countries today.

Ensuring Inclusivity
A key strength of Devi Shetty’s healthcare model is its dedication to providing affordable care for low-income populations. In Western countries, where income inequality impacts healthcare access, innovative models are needed to extend quality care to underserved communities.

Western healthcare leaders could adopt strategies such as tiered pricing systems or sliding-scale fees based on income, as well as expanding subsidised care for lower-income groups. By prioritising affordability, these initiatives can help reduce health disparities and ensure that more people, regardless of income, receive the care they need. This would improve individual health outcomes and enhance overall public health.

Embracing Change
Shetty’s success stems from his entrepreneurial approach and willingness to disrupt conventional healthcare models. In contrast, Western healthcare systems often resist change, weighed down by entrenched practices and inertia. However, technological advancements and shifting demographics demand greater flexibility.

Western healthcare leaders must embrace new business models, pricing structures, and care delivery systems to meet their evolving challenges. Moving from maintaining the status quo to fostering a culture of innovation will be key to improving healthcare accessibility and affordability in aging societies. By encouraging experimentation and change, leaders can better respond to the needs of their populations.

Designing for the Future
Narayana Health’s model stands out for its scalability and adaptability across diverse settings, without sacrificing its core principles of high-volume, affordable care. From a single hospital, it has expanded to multiple locations, consistently maintaining quality and efficiency. This success is driven by streamlined operations, centralised procurement, and a focus on high-volume procedures, which reduce costs per patient.

In contrast, Western healthcare systems struggle with scaling due to bureaucratic hurdles, regulatory barriers, and fragmented services. To address these challenges, scalability should be prioritised in healthcare reforms. Leaders must design systems that can be easily expanded and adapted to meet increasing demand, particularly in underserved areas. By adopting scalable models like Narayana Health’s, Western healthcare can ensure that innovations benefit larger populations, extending advanced care beyond isolated regions and improving access for all.


The healthcare model pioneered by Devi Shetty at Narayana Health offers a compelling pathway for reforming Western healthcare systems, which face mounting challenges. The recent Darzi report authoritatively diagnosed the issues confronting NHS England - such as aging populations, rising costs, unacceptable waiting times, and workforce pressures - but did not offer solutions, as this was outside its remit. Shetty's model provides a practical approach that could inform future reforms in the West. Narayana Health demonstrates that high-quality, affordable care can be achieved through innovation and efficiency. By focusing on high-volume procedures, streamlined operations, and creative insurance solutions, it delivers world-class healthcare to millions in India. Western healthcare leaders could adopt similar strategies, including task-shifting, centralised procurement, and scalable insurance models, to lower costs and improve access, especially for underserved populations. Telemedicine and preventive care, both key elements of Shetty’s model, could also play transformative roles in making healthcare more sustainable and inclusive. By embracing these innovations, Western healthcare systems could overcome many of the challenges outlined in the Darzi report, ensuring more equitable and accessible care for all.
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  • Navigating the dynamic MedTech landscape demands agility, adaptability, and the ability to manage regulatory shifts, global crises, and rapid technological advancements
  • Leaders must blend forward-thinking with strategic focus, ensuring R&D efforts align with emerging healthcare trends and patient needs
  • Inspiring cross-functional collaboration is important and requires cultivating a culture rooted in accountability, innovation, and ethical responsibility
  • MedTech executives must drive innovation while maintaining rigorous regulatory compliance to protect patient safety and uphold corporate integrity
Shaping the Future: MedTech Leadership in a Fast-Changing World

Leading a well-established MedTech company requires a blend of vision, technical expertise, regulatory understanding, agility, and emotional intelligence. While financial acumen is fundamental, what sets exceptional executives apart is their ability to navigate the complexities of healthcare, champion innovation, and maintain a strong ethical foundation. These individuals are not just driving their companies toward commercial success; they are actively shaping the future of healthcare by delivering innovative products that enhance patient outcomes and push the boundaries of medical science.

Cultivating these qualities helps ensure that organisations stay competitive, compliant, and focused on creating real value for patients and healthcare systems. As companies navigate an era defined by rapid technological advancements, shifting regulations, and evolving patient expectations, the ability to lead with integrity and strategic foresight becomes ever more critical. With the right mindset, MedTech executives can not only thrive in this fast-paced environment but also leave a lasting impact on the industry and the future of healthcare.

In this Commentary

This Commentary highlights seven key leadership capabilities essential for success in large MedTech companies. With rapid technological advancements, shifting regulations, and increasing demands for better patient outcomes, leaders must balance innovation with regulatory compliance. We emphasise the need for visionary thinking, strategic focus, regulatory expertise, technical knowledge, and emotional intelligence. By cultivating collaboration, adaptability, and ethical responsibility, leaders can steer organisations through disruption, navigate global markets, and drive impactful medical technologies that improve patient outcomes and ensure corporate success.
1. Visionary Thinking with a Strategic Focus
An effective MedTech executive thrives by combining visionary thinking with strategic execution. Looking beyond the present landscape can open opportunities to anticipate advancements in medical technologies, shifts in healthcare delivery models, and evolving expectations from patients and providers. In a sector driven by innovation, those who can envision the future of healthcare and identify how their companies can contribute meaningfully are well-positioned for success.

Yet, vision alone will not get the job done. Translating ambitious ideas into actionable strategies is essential. This involves setting clear corporate goals, allocating resources wisely, and building the infrastructure to support both immediate operational success and long-term innovation. Balancing growth ambitions with a disciplined approach to risk management and regulatory compliance is especially important in the highly regulated MedTech industry.

Effective portfolio management also plays a role. With a diverse range of products - from medical devices to diagnostic tools - focusing on research and development (R&D) projects that align with both the company’s strengths and emerging healthcare needs is crucial. An understanding of the science behind MedTech and the market forces shaping the industry can positively influence where to invest for future success.
2. Mastery of Regulatory and Compliance Issues

Navigating regulatory frameworks presents a challenge in the MedTech industry. With agencies like the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) imposing rigorous requirements for product approval, quality control, and post-market surveillance, understanding these environments is essential. The ability to anticipate policy changes and ensure ongoing compliance can impact a company's success.

Beyond market entry, regulatory mastery helps protect a company's reputation. Ensuring that all departments - particularly R&D, manufacturing, and quality assurance - adhere to strict standards is crucial for safeguarding patient safety and product efficacy. Non-compliance risks fines, product recalls, and reputational damage making a strong grasp of regulatory issues indispensable.
In a global market, navigating international regulations adds another layer of complexity. For instance, the European Medical Device Directive (MDD) requires different compliance measures than those of the FDA in the US. Forward-thinking approach involves preparing teams to meet diverse regulatory demands and working closely with legal, regulatory affairs, and quality management professionals to foster a culture of proactive compliance.
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3. Technical Savvy and a Commitment to Innovation
Innovation is the lifeblood of the MedTech sector. Executives at the helm of large companies benefit from a strong grasp of the technologies driving their products, as well as staying attuned to advancements in medical science and digital health. Staying informed about cutting-edge developments like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, robotics, and 3D printing is essential, as these innovations are shaping the future of medical devices and diagnostics.

Encouraging a culture of innovation means fostering an environment where teams can experiment, collaborate across disciplines, and take calculated risks. This atmosphere of exploration allows R&D teams to push boundaries and iterate quickly. Success in this space often involves investing in talent, infrastructure, and strategic partnerships. Collaborating with academic institutions, start-ups, technology companies, or healthcare providers can spark the development of breakthrough technologies and expand a company’s capabilities.

Balancing innovation with regulatory demands is equally important. With MedTech products directly impacting patient health, ensuring that innovations undergo thorough testing and validation is critical. Striking the right balance between speed and safety ensures that new technologies are brought to market efficiently without compromising patient wellbeing.
4. Customer-Centricity and Patient Outcomes Focus
In today's healthcare ecosystem, MedTech companies are increasingly accountable for the outcomes their products deliver, not just for the products themselves. A strong focus on customer-centricity - whether the customer is a healthcare provider, patient, or payer - has become essential. Shifting priorities toward products and services that improve patient outcomes requires an understanding of end-users, from surgeons operating complex devices to patients managing chronic conditions at home.

Developing solutions that provide real-world benefits involves actively engaging healthcare professionals and patients throughout the product lifecycle, from concept through post-market evaluation. This approach ensures that offerings are not only innovative but also address genuine needs in the clinical setting.

As value-based healthcare models gain traction, with reimbursement increasingly tied to patient outcomes, demonstrating both clinical and economic value is critical. This means providing robust clinical evidence while collaborating with healthcare providers, payers, and policymakers to showcase how MedTech solutions improve patient care and reduce overall healthcare costs.
5. Agility in Decision-Making and Crisis Management
The MedTech industry is characterised by constant change, driven by rapid technological advancements, evolving regulatory requirements, and unexpected challenges like global health crises. Navigating these complexities demands agility in decision-making, allowing organisations to pivot quickly and remain resilient during periods of uncertainty.

This agility comes from a blend of strategic foresight and operational flexibility. Staying ahead of emerging trends and risks, making informed decisions in real time, and adjusting plans as circumstances evolve are all important. For instance, during the COVID-19 pandemic, many MedTechs shifted their focus to produce essential supplies like ventilators and personal protective equipment  (PPE). This involved reallocating resources, adapting supply chains, and safeguarding the workforce - all while ensuring regulatory compliance.
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Reimagining Boards
Effective crisis management also plays a role. Whether facing product recalls, quality issues, regulatory challenges, or broader industry disruptions, the ability to respond swiftly is essential. Clear communication, decisive action, and maintaining the trust of key stakeholders - including employees, healthcare providers, patients, and investors - are crucial in navigating crises successfully.
6. Emotional Intelligence

In the MedTech industry, effective leadership goes beyond strategic decision-making and technical expertise - it also requires emotional intelligence and an ability to lead teams. Inspiring and motivating teams is key to fostering a culture of collaboration, innovation, and accountability, especially in a field where success depends on cooperation between engineers, scientists, regulatory experts, and business professionals.

Emotional intelligence plays a role in this dynamic, enabling self-awareness, empathy, and the ability to manage emotions both personally and within teams. Those who exhibit strong emotional intelligence can build stronger relationships, navigate conflicts with ease, and cultivate a positive organisational culture. This also enhances their ability to communicate vision and goals effectively, uniting teams around a shared purpose.

In larger MedTech companies, managing diverse and geographically dispersed teams requires exceptional communication skills and the capacity to foster cohesion and shared responsibility. Encouraging diversity, equity, and inclusion is also critical, as varied perspectives contribute to stronger problem-solving and drive innovation forward.
7. Ethical Integrity and Corporate Responsibility

Given the direct impact MedTech products have on patient health, ethical integrity is essential. Ensuring that corporations uphold the highest ethical standards across all operations - from R&D to marketing - is crucial. This means maintaining transparency in clinical trials, avoiding conflicts of interest, and committing to honest and transparent marketing practices that present both the benefits and risks of products accurately.

Beyond ethics, corporate responsibility also involves sustainability and social impact. MedTech companies must acknowledge their broader role in society, not only in improving health outcomes but also in reducing their environmental footprint and contributing to social good. Manufacturing processes should be assessed for their environmental impact, with efforts made to minimise carbon emissions. Additionally, engaging in corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives that promote healthcare access in underserved communities is essential for fostering global health equity.

Maintaining the trust of stakeholders - whether healthcare providers, patients, regulators, or investors - depends on a commitment to ethical practices. In an industry where safety and efficacy are non-negotiable, safeguarding trust is vital for protecting both a company’s reputation and its long-term success.


In today's MedTech landscape, financial acumen is no longer a differentiator; it is a baseline requirement. What truly sets leaders apart is their ability to navigate an era defined by rapid technological change and global complexity. The future of MedTech leadership hinges on understanding, embracing, and leveraging new technologies to drive meaningful innovation while maintaining the highest standards of regulatory compliance and patient safety.

The seven leadership traits outlined in this Commentary - visionary thinking, regulatory mastery, technical savvy, customer-centricity, agility, emotional intelligence, and ethical integrity - are more critical than ever. These qualities empower leaders to steer their organisations through disruption, inspire cross-functional teams, and deliver cutting-edge solutions that meet market demands and improve patient outcomes.

In this new era, MedTech executives must go beyond the basics of finance and operations. They must be architects of the future, blending strategic foresight with a deep understanding of the technologies that are reshaping the industry. By fostering a culture of innovation, accountability, and ethical responsibility, these leaders will not only ensure corporate success but also make a lasting, transformative impact on global healthcare.
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Century Medical & Dental Center
2315 3rd Ave,
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Office Tel # (212) 540-5020

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Nearby Locations:
Downtown Brooklyn | Clinton Hill | Gowanus | Cobble Hill | Columbia Street Waterfront District
11201, 11217 | 11238, 11205 | 11217 | 11231

Working Hours:
Monday: 8 am - 9 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 9 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 9 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 9 pm
Friday: 8 am - 9 pm
Saturday: 8 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 9 am - 5 pm

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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Podiatry is the medical specialty that treats your feet and ankles. Considering the weight they bear, your feet are small compared to the rest of your body. If you experience foot pain or other problems, consult the best podiatrist in Brooklyn for diagnosis and treatment. Your foot doctor is trained and skilled in identifying problems and choosing the most appropriate treatment option.

  • Note: Podiatrists at Century Medical and Dental Center with offices in Downtown Brooklyn, Flatbush, Gravesend Fort Greene, and Midtown Manhattan accept all major insurance plans, including Medicare, Medicaid, HIP, Emblemhealth, GHI, MetroPlus, and Fidelis. Our top-rated doctors provide a full range of medical procedures and are among the best podiatrists in the region.

Your feet and ankles comprise 26 bones and 33 joints. They contain many more muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Everything must be in excellent working order for you to stand, balance, walk, and run.
Yet, your feet are subject to a lot of abuse as you age. And you may ignore them as part of your usual self-care regimen. As a result, your feet are more prone to injury and wear and tear as you age. The top podiatrist takes care of your feet and ankles, keeping you active and moving. See our
primary care physicians for proper diagnosis, evaluation, and referral to a foot doctor.

Century Medical & Dental Center
200 Livingston Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 522-3399

Web Address: 

Office Location: 

Our locations on the map: Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Downtown Brooklyn
Downtown Brooklyn | Clinton Hill | Gowanus | Cobble Hill | Columbia Street Waterfront District
11201, 11217 | 11238, 11205 | 11217 | 11231

Working Hours:
Monday: 8 am - 9 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 9 pm
Wednesday: 8 am - 9 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 9 pm
Friday: 8 am - 9 pm
Saturday: 8 am - 6 pm
Sunday: 9 am - 5 pm

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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  • The intersection of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and climate change impacts human health, ecosystems, and socio-economic stability
  • AMR complicates disease treatment and medical procedures, while climate change alters disease dynamics, expands pathogen ranges, and threatens clean water and sanitation
  • Combined, AMR and climate change strain healthcare systems, exacerbate health disparities, and threaten food security, especially for vulnerable communities
  • Coordinated global responses integrating health, environmental, and developmental perspectives are needed to promote resilience, sustainability, and improved health outcomes
Antimicrobial Resistance and Climate Change: A Global Crisis
On September 26, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly will convene a High-Level Meeting on antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in New York. Drug-resistant infections transcend borders, making it impossible for any single country to tackle AMR on its own. This meeting offers an opportunity for global leaders to collaboratively address the threat that AMR poses to public health, food security, and the attainment of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. According to recent estimates, ~1.3m deaths worldwide in 2019 were caused by drug-resistant infections. If current trends continue, by 2050, AMR is projected to cause ~10m deaths annually, with costs to the global economy >US$100trn. Furthermore, this trend could force ~24m more people into extreme poverty over the next decade. These figures emphasise the threat posed by AMR, far surpassing the impact of COVID-19.

In the landscape of contemporary global health challenges, two significant and interconnected threats demand attention: AMR and climate change. These issues, though distinct in nature, share an interconnectedness that magnifies their collective impact on human health, ecological integrity, and socio-economic stability.

AMR poses a growing risk as microbes evolve to withstand the drugs designed to combat them. This phenomenon complicates the treatment of infectious diseases and jeopardises the effectiveness of medical procedures ranging from surgeries to cancer treatments. Concurrently, climate change exacerbates these challenges by altering disease dynamics, expanding the geographical range of vectors and pathogens, and compromising access to clean water and sanitation: fundamental prerequisites for health.

Moreover, the convergence of AMR and climate change intensifies the strain on vulnerable populations, exacerbates health disparities, and threatens food security and agricultural productivity. These issues transcend national borders, necessitating coordinated global responses that integrate health, environmental, and developmental perspectives. Hence, the UN meeting in September 2024, which marks only the second such gathering in its 79-year history. By recognising and addressing the interconnectedness of these dual crises, we can promote resilience, support sustainable development, and safeguard the wellbeing of present and future generations worldwide.

Understanding Antimicrobial Resistance

AMR refers to the ability of microorganisms - primarily bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites - to evolve and withstand the effects of antimicrobial agents, including antibiotics, antivirals, and antifungals. While this evolutionary process is natural, human activities have accelerated it, particularly through the overuse and misuse of antimicrobial drugs in human medicine, agriculture, and veterinary practices.
The consequences of AMR are extensive and multifaceted. In healthcare settings, infections that were once treatable with common antibiotics are becoming increasingly difficult, if not impossible, to cure. This resistance leads to prolonged illnesses, longer hospital stays, higher medical costs, and increased mortality rates. Moreover, the rise of multidrug-resistant strains poses a threat to medical procedures, such as surgeries, chemotherapy, and organ transplants, which rely on effective antimicrobial prophylaxes and treatment.
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Beyond healthcare, AMR threatens food security and safety. The widespread use of antimicrobials in agriculture to promote growth and prevent disease in livestock leads to the development of resistant bacteria that can enter the food chain. These resistant strains can then be transmitted to humans through the consumption of contaminated food, direct contact with animals, or environmental pathways, such as water and soil.

The environmental impact of AMR is also significant. Antimicrobial residues from pharmaceuticals, agricultural runoff, and waste from healthcare facilities can persist in the environment, promoting the development and spread of resistance among environmental microorganisms. This environmental reservoir of resistance genes can transfer to human and animal pathogens, further complicating the management of infectious diseases.

Addressing AMR requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach, including the promotion of responsible antimicrobial use, investment in research and development (R&D) of new drugs, and the implementation of robust surveillance systems to monitor resistance patterns. Public awareness and education on the prudent use of antimicrobials are equally important in mitigating this global threat.

The Rise of Climate Change

Climate change presents a distinct and significant set of challenges to global ecosystems and human societies. Primarily driven by anthropogenic activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, and industrial emissions, climate change manifests in rising global temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, more frequent and severe extreme weather events, and sea-level rise. These changes disrupt ecosystems, endanger biodiversity, and threaten human livelihoods, particularly in vulnerable communities with limited resources to adapt.

The implications of climate change are far-reaching and complex. Increased risks of natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods, and wildfires, lead to loss of life, property damage, and economic instability. Altered precipitation patterns can result in prolonged droughts in some regions and excessive rainfall in others, affecting agricultural productivity and leading to food and water insecurity. As these climatic conditions shift, they also change the habitats and behaviours of disease vectors like mosquitoes and ticks, altering disease patterns and potentially introducing new health threats to populations unaccustomed to such risks.

These environmental shifts have indirect effects on human health, exacerbating existing health disparities and amplifying the burden on healthcare systems already strained by other challenges, such as AMR. The displacement of populations due to rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and deteriorating living conditions further compounds these issues, creating climate refugees who require humanitarian assistance and healthcare support.

Convergence of Threats

The convergence of AMR and climate change amplifies their individual impacts, creating a scenario where each phenomenon exacerbates the effects of the other. This interplay is illustrated through several mechanisms. Climate change significantly alters ecological systems, influencing the geographic distribution and prevalence of infectious diseases. Warmer temperatures, for example, can expand the range of disease vectors like mosquitoes, leading to increased transmission of diseases such as malaria and dengue fever. In a context of AMR, where effective treatments for these diseases are diminishing, the burden on healthcare systems and affected populations intensifies, making it harder to manage and control outbreaks.

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Climate change-induced extreme weather events, such as hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves, pose risks to healthcare infrastructure and services. Disruptions in healthcare provision can compromise infection control measures and lead to increased transmission of resistant pathogens within healthcare settings. Moreover, displaced populations and compromised living conditions post-disaster create environments conducive to disease outbreaks, further challenging already strained healthcare resources. The vulnerability of healthcare infrastructure to climate-related disruptions emphasises the need for resilient systems that can withstand and adapt to these changes.
Agriculture is both a contributor to and influenced by climate change. Changing weather patterns impact crop yields and livestock production, leading to shifts in agricultural practices, including the increased use of antimicrobials in animal husbandry to prevent disease and promote growth under stressful conditions. Global antimicrobial use in food animal production was ~63,151 tons in 2010 and is expected to increase by ~67% to ~105,596 tons by 2030. Around 80% of food-producing animals and birds receive medication for at least part of their lives. Antimicrobials used in food animals constitute ~80% of the total antimicrobial consumption in the US each year. Most of the global rise (~67%) in antimicrobial use is driven by the growing population of animals raised for food.

Increased temperatures and altered precipitation patterns also impact food safety, with potential implications for foodborne illnesses caused by resistant pathogens. These agricultural shifts not only shape food security but also introduce resistant bacteria into the food chain and the environment, posing further risks to human health.

Climate change also affects global trade routes and patterns, influencing the movement of goods and people. This interconnectedness facilitates the spread of infectious diseases and resistant microbes across borders, complicating efforts to contain AMR on a global scale. The emergence of new pathogens and resistant strains in different regions points to the need for coordinated international efforts to address these interconnected challenges. The combined threats of AMR and climate change necessitate comprehensive, integrated strategies that involve local, national, and global collaboration to mitigate their multifaceted impacts. Addressing these interconnected challenges is essential for promoting public health, environmental sustainability, and global socio-economic stability.

Projected Impact and Future Scenarios

The projected impact of the combined threats of AMR and climate change paints a distressing picture for global health and wellbeing. As AMR reduces the effectiveness of existing treatments, healthcare systems face increased pressure to develop new antimicrobial agents. However, the pipeline for new antibiotics is limited due to scientific and economic challenges. Climate change-induced health crises further strain these systems, potentially overwhelming their capacity to respond effectively. The economic burden of AMR is substantial. The World Bank estimates that AMR could result in ~US$1trn additional healthcare costs by 2050, and ~US$1trn to ~US$3.4trn gross domestic product (GDP) losses per year by 2030. Climate change exacerbates these costs through disruptions to agricultural productivity, healthcare expenditures, and labour productivity. Socio-economic disparities are likely to widen as vulnerable populations bear the brunt of these combined impacts, leading to increased poverty and reduced access to essential services.

Ecosystems, which provide services such as water purification, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity maintenance, are also under threat. Climate change and AMR compromise these services, undermining environmental resilience and exacerbating the vulnerability of both natural and human systems. The degradation of ecosystems can lead to the loss of biodiversity, further disrupting ecological balance and increasing the spread of resistant pathogens. As these environmental and health challenges intensify, the global community faces a future where traditional methods of disease control and prevention may no longer be effective, necessitating innovative approaches and robust international cooperation to safeguard human health and maintain ecological stability.

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies

Tackling the intertwined challenges of AMR and climate change requires well-coordinated, comprehensive strategies implemented at local, national, and global levels. Enhanced surveillance and monitoring systems are important for tracking resistant pathogens and infectious diseases, allowing for early detection and response. Integrating environmental and climate data into these surveillance frameworks provides a more detailed understanding of disease dynamics and antimicrobial use patterns, helping to identify and address emerging threats more effectively.

Promoting the sustainable use of antimicrobials in human medicine, agriculture, and veterinary practices is essential to mitigate the spread of resistance. This involves advocating for responsible prescribing and use, implementing regulations to curb overuse and misuse, and promoting alternative practices such as vaccination and improved hygiene. These measures can reduce reliance on antimicrobial agents and slow the development of resistance.

Building resilient healthcare infrastructure capable of withstanding climate-related disruptions is critical for maintaining health services during crises. This includes enhancing infection prevention and control measures, improving disaster preparedness, and ensuring access to essential healthcare services during and after extreme weather events. Strengthening healthcare systems' capacity to cope with both AMR and climate impacts can prevent service disruptions and manage disease outbreaks more effectively.

Mitigating climate change through emissions reduction and adaptation strategies is crucial for reducing the frequency and severity of climate-related health impacts. Investing in renewable energy sources, promoting sustainable agricultural practices, and developing resilient urban planning are integral to these efforts. Such investments address climate change and support broader efforts to combat AMR by reducing environmental pressures that contribute to resistance.

International collaboration and governance frameworks are indispensable in addressing the global challenges posed by AMR and climate change. These frameworks should promote information sharing, capacity building, and equitable access to resources. Global health agencies, such as the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), play pivotal roles in facilitating collaboration and setting international standards for antimicrobial use and climate resilience.

An approach that integrates health, environmental, and socio-economic considerations is necessary to effectively tackle these threats. By investing in R&D, promoting sustainable practices, and fostering international cooperation, the global community can develop strategies to mitigate the impacts of AMR and climate change. Such an approach will help safeguard public health, enhance ecological stability, and ensure socio-economic resilience, ultimately securing a healthier and more sustainable future for all.


The interconnected threats of AMR and climate change demand urgent and coordinated global action. Each poses challenges to human health, the environment, and socio-economic stability, but their convergence magnifies the impact, creating a complex web of risks that transcends borders and disciplines. Addressing these threats requires integrated strategies that recognise their interconnectedness, fostering resilience through sustainable practices, robust healthcare systems, and international cooperation. By enhancing surveillance, promoting responsible antimicrobial use, and mitigating climate change, we can build a future that not only curbs the rise of resistance and mitigates environmental degradation but also strengthens the foundations of global health and ecological integrity. The path forward necessitates innovation, investment, and a unified global commitment to safeguard the wellbeing of current and future generations. Let us hope that the United Nations General Assembly meeting in September 2024 to address this issue will energise international responses.
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At Eye Physicians, we understand the importance of ensuring your child's vision is healthy and developing correctly. If you are looking for a "pediatric eye doctor near me," you can always visit us. Our pediatric eye doctors specialize in providing comprehensive eye care tailored to children's unique needs. With years of experience and a compassionate approach, we strive to create a comfortable and welcoming environment for you and your child.

How Soon Should I Take My Child to a Pediatric Eye Doctor?
First of all, you should start by locating a good pediatric optometrist near you who combines exceptional clinical expertise with a compassionate approach, ensuring optimal eye health for your child. The first vision screening is done while your child is a newborn to evaluate blink and pupil response and to check for any signs of eye disease or genetic abnormalities. The care of your child’s eyes is an important part of their overall health. Vision screenings should be done regularly by an expert in pediatric eye care. A child should have another exam by a pediatric eye doctor at the age of six months, then again at three, and when they start school if they don’t have issues that need monitoring.

Routine eye exams at a pediatric eye care center continue every two years unless there are any signs of vision problems. A child who needs glasses or contact lenses usually has an eye exam annually. If there’s a family history of any type of eye disorder, more frequent exams may be recommended. For comprehensive pediatric eye care in New York City, there’s no better choice than Eye Physicians in Manhattan.

Eye Physicians
110 Lafayette St, Suite 503
New York, NY 10013
Office Tel: (212) 292-4814
Fax: (212) 628-0698 
Web Address: 

Our locations on the map: New York, USA

Nearby Locations:

Lower Manhattan | Little Italy | Chinatown | Civic Center | Tribeca | SoHo
10013 | 10012 | 10007 | 10002

Working Hours:
Monday: 8 am–5 pm
Tuesday: 8 am–5 pm
Wednesday: 8 am–7 pm
Thursday: 8 am–5 pm
Friday: 8 am–5 pm
Saturday: 8 am–5 pm
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.


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Brooklyn Abortion Clinic is the only NYC approved Ambulatory surgical center dedicated to women’s health in Brooklyn. Our mission is to treat each woman as a whole person, addressing her physical and emotional needs. We are located in the heart of Downtown Brooklyn, close to Park Slope, Red Hook, Prospect Park, Brooklyn Heights with easy access from Manhattan. We are happy to announce a limited time event, 5 to 10% off for all new patients.

Brooklyn Abortion Clinic
14 DeKalb Avenue 4 floor,
Brooklyn, NY 11201
(718) 369–1900

Web Address: 
Our location on the map: Brooklyn

Nearby Locations:
Downtown Brooklyn | Clinton Hill | Prospect Heights | Gowanus | Cobble Hill
11201| 11238 | 11217

Working Hours: Mon-Sun: 7:00 am — 10:00 pm

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

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