
Balvinder Wasan
Consultant cardiologistDirectory:
Dr Wasan is a Consultant Cardiologist managing all aspects of cardiovascular disease.
He specialises in all aspects of ischaemic heart disease. This includes screening & prevention in high risk patients, investigating patients with symptoms of coronary artery disease & the subsequent diagnosis and management. This includes the opening of narrowed or blocked arteries through the radial or femoral artery (percutaneous angioplasty). He also implants permanent pacemakers.
Dr Wasan studied medicine at Imperial College in London. His cardiology training was in the North West Thames region. He accredited as a Cardiologist in 2005 & was appointed as a Consultant Cardiologist at the Queen Elizabeth (now part of South London Healthcare) & St Thomas' Hospitals.
Dr Wasan has undertaken research in the changes in cardiac function after angioplasty & bypass surgery & is an author on a number of original publications arising from this work.
Dr Wasan is also co-author on peer-reviewed papers on cardiac function, echocardiography, arrhythmias and hypertension.
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P.V. Rao
Senior Consultant Cardiac SurgeonDirectory:
Dr Rao is the Chief of the Heart and Lung Transplantation Programme at the Narayana Hrudayalaya Hospital,Bangalore.
Dr. Rao, strongly believes that terminal heart failure, due to ischaemic cardiomyopathy and left ventricular aneurysms can be corrected by his favourite technique called DORs Procedure along with Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG) operation, with excellent results and expert in Mitral Valve replacement and repair.
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