
kamalhospital jalandhar
Schedule a visit at the best hospitalIt is one of the best multi-specialist Kamal Hospital in Jalandhar. We provide healthcare service and treatments in the Jalandhar area. Our Kamal multi-specialty hospital is managed by a team of dedicated and knowledgeable specialists who provide high-quality care.
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Age and fitness have a crucial bearing on the treatment of cancer, which can be very intensive. With old and frail people we have to modify how aggressive we are with our treatment in order that people can cope. However, in younger and fitter patients experience has taught us about what is exactly the right level of activity for treatment in order to produce the best responses.
Regular physical activity not only helps lower your risk of cancer, but it may also improve quality of life, mood, and other side effects of cancer and cancer treatment for people with cancer and cancer survivors. According to a 2011 report from the UK based Macmillan Cancer Support suggested that once cancer treatment has finished physical activity can reduce the impact of side effects, such as swelling, anxiety, depression, fatigue, impaired mobility and changes in weight. The research also suggested that exercise has an impact on preventing occurrence of a few specific cancers. For example, women with breast cancer who exercise for 150 minutes a week at moderate intensity have more than a 40 percent lower risk of dying and recurrence of the disease compared with women who are active for less than one hour a week.