The Impact of Personalised Healthcare on Traditional MedTechs

  • Healthcare is shifting from uniform treatments to personalised care, driven by genetics, lifestyle, and technology
  • Patients benefit from targeted therapies that deliver early disease detection, enhanced therapies and proactive prevention
  • Traditional MedTechs, accustomed to one-size-fits-all devices, face challenges but also can find opportunities from individualised care for growth and innovation
  • To capitalise on these opportunities, conventional corporations must recalibrate their strategies and collaborate with start-ups and healthcare institutions
The Impact of Personalised Healthcare on Traditional MedTechs

Personalised medicine, also known as precision medicine, marks a departure from traditional medical practices by acknowledging the interplay of genetics, lifestyle, and environment in shaping an individual's health. Rather than adhering to one-size-fits-all treatments, individualised care prioritises early detection and proactive prevention, tailoring interventions based on each patient's unique genetic makeup. Digitalisation, together with advances in medical technology, enables the combination and analysis of genomic information with other diagnostic data to identify patterns that help to determine an individual’s risk of developing a disease, detect illness earlier, and determine the most effective interventions. For example, in cancer treatment, personalised therapies target specific proteins driving cancer growth, offering more effective alternatives to conventional methods like customary chemotherapy. Findings of a 2012 study published in Trends in Molecular Medicine found that the response rate to a targeted therapy for acute myeloid leukaemia to be at 90% compared with 35% for standard chemotherapy. Another notable development in customised care is the DNA medication pass, which enables clinicians to identify the most suitable drugs for individual patients, reducing adverse reactions and hospital admissions due to drug-related complications. Such personalised approaches empower patients with treatments aligned to their genetic predispositions and foster greater autonomy and engagement in healthcare decisions.

In today's data-driven environment, the emphasis on precision care is growing, and creating a shift in healthcare delivery. A recent research paper published in the Journal of Translational Medicine suggests that personalised medicine will lead to the next generation of healthcare by 2030. While many traditional medical technology companies are content with supplying standardised medical devices to hospitals, an increasing number wish to pivot and capitalise on the rapidly growing targeted healthcare segment. However, they face the challenge of adapting their established frameworks, which are not designed to create bespoke solutions and services. This emphasises the significance of adaptability across diverse healthcare settings. Forward-thinking corporations, however, recognise the need to evolve. By investing in novel R&D initiatives and fostering collaboration throughout the healthcare spectrum, they position themselves favourably. Conversely, companies resistant to change risk stagnation and eventual obsolescence in an era where personalised care is rapidly gaining traction.

In this Commentary

This Commentary delves into the impact of personalised healthcare on traditional MedTech companies, highlighting the imperative for alignment with customised care to remain competitive. It explores how targeted medicine, driven by advancements in genetics, digitalisation, and medical technology, is reshaping healthcare delivery by prioritising individualised treatments tailored to patients' unique genetic makeup. The Commentary emphasises the need to adapt conventional strategies amidst industry trends, addressing challenges such as regulatory complexities and technology adoption barriers. Through initiatives like partnerships, novel R&D, diversification, and strategic M&A, traditional MedTechs can position themselves to lead in the era of precision care. The Commentary offers examples of start-ups and established firms addressing this segment, insights into the opportunities and challenges traditional companies face in adapting to the growing emphasis on personalised healthcare, and emphasises the importance of innovation, collaboration, and proactive responses to industry shifts.
Brief History

The roots of personalised healthcare can be traced back to ancient civilisations where healers recognised individual differences in response to treatments. However, formalised concepts began to emerge in the late 19th and early 20th centuries with the advent of modern medicine. The discovery of the structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick in 1953 laid the foundation for understanding the role of genetics in health and disease. Advances in DNA sequencing technologies in the late 20th century, particularly the completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, enabled scientists to decipher the entire human genetic code, ushering in the genomic era.
In the late 20th century, researchers began to explore how genetic variations influence an individual's response to drugs. Pharmacogenomics emerged as a field focused on tailoring drug treatments to a person's genetic makeup, aiming to maximise efficacy and minimise adverse effects. Rapid advancements in technology, such as next-generation sequencing and high-throughput screening, have made it more feasible and cost-effective to analyse large amounts of genetic data. This has accelerated research in tailored therapies and expanded their application beyond pharmacogenomics to include risk assessment, disease diagnosis, and treatment selection.
As we suggested, one of the earliest and most successful applications of customised healthcare has been in oncology. Precision oncology uses genomic profiling to identify genetic mutations driving cancer growth and matches patients with targeted therapies designed to address their specific mutations. The success stories in treating certain cancers, such as leukaemia and melanoma have fuelled further interest and investment in personalised approaches.
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The rise of big data analytics and artificial intelligence (AI) has been instrumental in advancing targeted care. By integrating genetic, clinical, lifestyle, and environmental data, AI algorithms can identify patterns, predict disease risks, and recommend precise interventions targeted to an individual’s unique profile. Governments have recognised the potential of these approaches to improve patient outcomes and reduce healthcare costs. Endeavours such as the Precision Medicine Initiative in the US, the NHS Long Term Plan in the UK, and similar efforts in other countries aim to accelerate the adoption of customised medicine. As technology continues to evolve and our understanding of genetics and biology deepens, personalised healthcare is poised to become increasingly integral to mainstream medical practice, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.
Challenges and Barriers to Personalised Care

Customised medicine, while promising, faces challenges. One hurdle lies in the complexity and sheer volume of data required to tailor treatments to individual patients. Integrating diverse datasets from genomics, medical history, lifestyle factors, and environmental influences demands sophisticated analytics and robust privacy safeguards. Additionally, interoperability issues between different healthcare systems impede data exchange and collaboration among healthcare providers. Economic constraints further obstruct widespread adoption, as customised therapies often come with hefty price tags, limiting access for many patients. Regulatory frameworks must also evolve to accommodate the dynamic nature of tailored medicine, ensuring rigorous oversight without stifling innovation. Moreover, educating healthcare professionals and patients about the benefits and limitations of personalised approaches is essential for fostering trust and acceptance. Overcoming these challenges demands interdisciplinary collaboration, technological advancements, and a commitment to equitable access to focussed healthcare.
The Changing Landscape of Traditional MedTechs

Despite these challenges, the growing emphasis on personalised care represents a shift in traditional MedTech markets. Although the precise timeline for tailored therapies to substantially influence conventional corporations remains uncertain, the trend signals a clear direction for the industry. The International Consortium for Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed) envisions a healthcare landscape firmly rooted in customised medicine principles by 2030. This vision entails an ecosystem where individual characteristics inform diagnostics, treatments, and preventive measures, resulting in heightened effectiveness and economic value, all while ensuring equitable access for all individuals.
Historically, MedTech markets have exhibited a degree of reluctance in adopting new technologies, offering some comfort to conventional leaders in the field. However, the insights provided by the ICPerMed research should serve as a catalyst for traditional enterprises to re-evaluate their strategies and product offerings if they intend to capitalise on the growing trend of customised care. Notably, investments in innovative technologies that facilitate precision diagnostics, targeted therapies, and patient-centric interventions have already proven effective and are on the rise.
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Furthermore, the integration of data analytics and remote monitoring capabilities is reshaping the dynamics among medical devices, patients, and healthcare providers. This integration fosters enhanced connectivity and delivers real-time insights, thereby helping to transform the healthcare ecosystem. As tailored care gains momentum, traditional corporations must embrace agility, collaboration, and an understanding of patient preferences to thrive. This necessitates a proactive re-evaluation of their strategies.
Healthcare Firms Leading the Shift Towards Personalised Care

Many early-stage MedTech companies and established healthcare firms are leveraging evolving technologies and data to meet the growing demand for personalised healthcare. Omada Health, for instance, offers a platform combining connected devices and data analytics to help manage chronic conditions through tailored lifestyle interventions. iRhythm Technologies' Zio patch, a wearable cardiac monitor, uses advanced algorithms to detect heart conditions more accurately. Butterfly Network's Butterfly iQ is the first smartphone-connected whole-body ultrasound system, enhancing imaging quality and diagnostic capabilities through AI. Mature enterprises like AliveCor and Fitbit, now part of Google, have also pivoted to tailored healthcare. AliveCor’s  KardiaMobile provides at-home ECGs and shares data for customised treatment plans, while Fitbit offers devices with advanced health monitoring features and personalised wellness programmes. Dexcom's G6 CGM System provides real-time glucose tracking integrated with health data platforms. Roche has shifted towards customised healthcare with digital health solutions like the Roche Diabetes Care platform and the NAVIFY Tumor Board for personalised cancer treatments. 23andMe, initially known for genetic testing, now partners with pharmaceutical companies for drug discovery and develops tailored treatment plans based on genetic data.
Transforming MedTech in the Era of Personalised Care

The healthcare industry is undergoing a transformation marked by a shift towards patient-centric care and the adoption of value-based healthcare models. This shift is driving increased collaboration among traditional MedTech firms, healthcare providers, and emerging players, all united in their goal to innovate and tackle the complex challenges facing healthcare today. Regulatory changes and technological advancements also are playing roles in reshaping the competitive landscape, guiding the industry towards more patient-centred, value-driven, and collaborative approaches. In response to these evolving dynamics, MedTech companies are transforming their product development strategies by embracing agile and interdisciplinary approaches. Leveraging digital technologies, they are adapting to changing demands through virtual testing, data-driven design optimisation, and rapid prototyping.
The move towards personalised care is not only transforming product development strategies but also reshaping business models within the MedTech industry. There is a growing emphasis on outcome-based pricing and service-oriented solutions, reflecting the industry's focus on delivering measurable results and comprehensive care experiences. Digital health platforms and software-as-a-service (SaaS) offerings are emerging as key drivers of revenue, highlighting the importance of innovation and customer engagement in staying competitive and relevant.
Amid these transformations, regulatory and compliance considerations are crucial. Regulatory frameworks are becoming more stringent, emphasising product safety, efficacy, and data privacy. Compliance with varying standards across geographies is essential for market access, requiring companies to navigate these landscapes skilfully to sustain growth. Regulatory bodies are also evolving to tackle emerging challenges like cybersecurity and interoperability, highlighting the need for effective regulatory management in today's MedTech ecosystem. Addressing these challenges demands collaboration among stakeholders to build trust, promote standards, and ease the adoption of innovative technologies. Only through concerted efforts can the industry overcome these obstacles and fully realise the potential of customised care in transforming healthcare delivery.
Adaptation Strategies for Traditional MedTech Companies

To strengthen their alignment with personalised healthcare, traditional MedTechs can adopt several strategies. One effective approach, which, in a previous Commentary, we referred to as the Third Way, involves forming partnerships and collaborations with start-ups, research institutions, or other industry players. Through these partnerships, corporations can gain access to novel technologies, broaden their market reach, and expedite the pace of innovation. Additionally, diversification emerges as another adaptation strategy, enabling companies to venture into adjacent markets or therapeutic areas. This not only helps in mitigating risks but also enables them to capitalise on emerging opportunities within the healthcare landscape. Furthermore, many traditional corporations opt for M&A to bolster their market position, acquire specialised capabilities, or tap into new customer segments. Collectively, these strategies empower traditional corporations to navigate industry transitions towards customised care, foster sustained growth, and uphold their competitive edge.
This Commentary highlights the need for companies to re-evaluate their strategies in response to the industry's shift toward personalised care, a force shaping the future of healthcare delivery. It suggests traditional enterprises should proactively address challenges such as regulatory compliance, data security, and technological adoption barriers. Yet, within these challenges lie significant opportunities for growth and innovation. By pursuing strategic partnerships, investing in R&D, diversifying, and engaging in M&A, corporations can lead in the era of customised care, influencing healthcare's trajectory. Despite obstacles, the outlook for traditional enterprises is promising, driven by technological advancements and global healthcare demands. Success, however, depends on their agility, resilience, and proactive adaptation to the evolving landscape. By leveraging innovation and fostering collaboration, traditional MedTechs can navigate complexity and continue to drive positive transformation within the industry.
