
Tagged: Narayana Health

  • In September 2024, Lord Darzi’s report warned that England's NHS was nearing collapse
  • Cloning Dr. Devi Shetty’s Narayana Health model could address challenges highlighted in the Darzi report
  • Shetty’s Narayana Health proves that high-quality care can be affordable and accessible to large populations, debunking the idea that higher costs equal better care
  • Western healthcare systems can adopt Shetty’s cost-efficient, tech-driven approach to create sustainable, equitable care, especially for aging populations
  • Narayana Health’s high-volume, low-cost model offers a blueprint for improving efficiency and expanding access to underserved communities
  • Western healthcare leaders can follow Shetty’s example by embracing flexibility and innovation to meet rising demand and limited resources

Revitalising Western Healthcare: Insights from Devi Shetty and Narayana Health

In September 2024, Lord Darzi’s Independent Investigation of the National Health Service (NHS) in England revealed a system on the verge of collapse, where patient confidence in the NHS's capacity to provide timely care is rapidly eroding. Although Darzi, a professor of surgery and former health minister, delivered a thorough and authoritative diagnosis of the NHS’s challenges, his mandate did not extend to offering concrete solutions.

Dr. Devi Shetty and  Narayana Health in India offer a compelling blueprint for Western healthcare reform with their innovative model. By prioritising efficiency, scale, and compassion, Narayana Health has dramatically lowered costs while maintaining world-class standards. Established in 2000, it has grown into a vast network of hospitals, serving millions annually, including an international outpost in the Cayman Islands. Through innovative methods such as economies of scale, telemedicine, and affordable pricing, Narayana Health has succeeded where many Western systems falter - delivering world-class healthcare at a fraction of the cost.


The US spends ~$4.5trn annually on healthcare - >17% of GDP - yet millions remain uninsured or underinsured. Meanwhile, the UK's NHS, funded through taxation, faces persistent disparities and long waiting lists. Both systems are burdened by rising costs and unequal access. In contrast, Narayana Health's success shows that affordability and quality care can coexist, pushing Western nations to rethink their costly, inefficient models. Shetty's approach offers a credible case study for addressing healthcare crises in developed nations, aligning with Darzi’s call for future healthcare investments to prioritise services beyond hospitals.

Shetty's work exemplifies how innovation, compassion, and cost-efficiency can transform healthcare delivery, providing hope for more equitable systems in the US, UK, and beyond.

In this Commentary
This Commentary examines Dr. Devi Shetty's healthcare model at Narayana Health in India as a potential blueprint for reforming Western healthcare. Faced with aging populations, rising costs, and workforce shortages, Western systems could benefit from Shetty’s approach, which emphasises: (i) streamlining operations without compromising quality, (ii) scaling best practices, (iii) expanding access to care, (iv) reducing long-term costs, (v) improving affordability, (vi) leveraging core strengths for better outcomes, (vii) optimising resources, (viii) fostering inclusivity, (ix) embracing innovation, and (x) designing for the future. The Commentary argues that by adopting strategies like process efficiency, task-shifting, and telemedicine, healthcare leaders can cut costs while maintaining high standards of care. It also explores the role of micro-insurance and public-private partnerships in expanding access to underserved communities, advocating for a more flexible, innovative, and inclusive healthcare system in the West.
Narayana Health

Founded in 2000 in Bangalore (now Bengaluru), Narayana Health began with a single hospital, Narayana Hrudayalaya, which quickly gained acclaim for its approach to cost-effective cardiac care. Over the next two decades, Narayana Health expanded rapidly across India, building a vast network of multispecialty hospitals, primary care facilities, and its flagship super-specialty cardiac hospital, which is one of the largest in the world. This facility includes 23 dedicated operating rooms, five digital catheterisation laboratories (including a hybrid lab), 200 critical care beds for post-operative patients, and one of the world’s largest paediatric intensive care units. Through economies of scale, telemedicine, and a strong commitment to accessibility, Narayana Health has grown to include >30 hospitals and >7,000 beds, serving millions of patients annually. The organisation marked its international expansion in 2014 with the establishment of Health City Cayman Islands, a state-of-the-art facility offering a wide range of medical services and emerging as a medical tourism hub in the Caribbean. Today, Narayana Health stands as one of India’s largest healthcare providers, known for its large-scale operations, high patient volume, and unwavering dedication to affordable care. This model offers lessons for Western healthcare systems like the US and the UK, where high costs and access barriers persist.

Streamlining Without Sacrificing Quality
Rising healthcare costs in Western systems are driven by advanced technology, expensive treatments, and administrative inefficiencies. Narayana Health demonstrates that affordable, high-quality care is possible through streamlined operations and centralised supply chains. By performing surgeries in high volumes, they lower per-patient costs, proving that efficiency need not compromise quality. Western systems can adopt similar strategies by cutting administrative overhead, standardising protocols, and shifting routine tasks to non-physician staff - driving cost savings without affecting care standards.

Scaling Excellence
Narayana Health’s success stems from its high-volume, low-margin model, which lowers the cost of advanced care. Performing a large number of surgeries enables economies of scale, making quality healthcare accessible to more people. This approach is relevant to Western healthcare, where the cost of individual procedures drives up expenses. Establishing specialised centres for high-demand procedures, such as joint replacements or cardiac surgeries, would concentrate expertise, boost efficiency, and reduce costs, while maintaining high-quality care. This strategy offers a sustainable path to addressing healthcare affordability.

Expanding Access to Care
Devi Shetty played a pivotal role in the success of the Yeshashwini micro-health insurance scheme, which was launched in 2003 to provide affordable healthcare to rural farmers in Karnataka, a state in the southwestern region of India. This visionary programme, driven by Shetty’s leadership, offered low-cost insurance that covered a wide range of medical treatments, including surgeries, for a minimal annual premium. By leveraging Narayana Health’s infrastructure and medical expertise, the scheme made quality healthcare accessible to millions of low-income individuals who had previously lacked coverage.

In 2024, Shetty and Narayana Health introduced the the Aditi health insurance plan, designed to address the healthcare needs of India’s growing middle class. The plan provides coverage of up to US$120,000 for surgeries and US$6,000 for medical management, all for an affordable annual premium of just US$120. Aditi goes beyond just financial protection, focusing on preventive care by offering discounted health check-ups and proactive health management. This initiative aims to remove common barriers such as hidden fees and long waiting periods, ensuring timely access to life-saving treatments.

The success of Yeshashwini and Aditi underscores the potential of innovative insurance models to address healthcare gaps worldwide. Western countries, particularly those with underserved populations, could adapt such frameworks to offer affordable coverage for preventive and essential care. Public-private partnerships could be instrumental in scaling these models to meet the needs of low-income and rural populations, helping to bridge healthcare access gaps in more developed nations.

Reducing Long-Term Costs
Preventive care is often underemphasised in Western healthcare systems, leading to higher costs associated with managing chronic diseases and emergency care. Narayana Health’s model, which integrates preventive care with its insurance schemes, offers an example of how a focus on prevention can reduce long-term healthcare costs.

Western healthcare providers and insurers might consider prioritising preventive care within their systems. By emphasising early interventions and preventive measures, healthcare systems can reduce the burden of chronic diseases, which are particularly prevalent among aging populations. This approach improves patient outcomes and reduces the overall cost of care, making healthcare more sustainable in the long run.

Extending Access and Reducing Costs
Narayana Health’s use of technology, particularly telemedicine, is another area where Western healthcare systems can learn lessons. Telemedicine allows Narayana Health to provide care to remote populations at a lower cost, improving access to healthcare for those who might otherwise be underserved.

In Western countries, particularly those with significant rural areas or aging populations, telemedicine has the potential to play a transformative role. By leveraging telehealth, AI-driven diagnostics, and remote monitoring, healthcare systems can extend access to care while containing costs. This is especially important in managing chronic conditions, where regular monitoring and timely interventions can prevent more serious and costly health issues.

Leveraging Strengths for Better Care
Narayana Health's collaboration with governments to provide affordable healthcare through insurance programmes highlights the potential of public-private partnerships in improving healthcare delivery. In many Western countries, public healthcare systems are stretched, while private options are often inaccessible for large segments of the population.

Expanding these partnerships could pave the way for hybrid healthcare models that harness the strengths of both sectors. Public systems would focus on core infrastructure and essential services, while private providers could offer specialised care at reduced costs using scalable models like those of Narayana Health. This approach would ease the financial burden on public systems while enhancing the quality and accessibility of care, making advanced medical services affordable for more people. These partnerships offer a strategic solution to the growing healthcare challenges in the West.

Maximising Resources
Public-private partnerships present a promising route to hybrid healthcare models that combine the strengths of both sectors. Public systems could concentrate on providing infrastructure and basic care, while private providers deliver specialised, high-quality treatments at lower costs through efficient, scalable methods, as exemplified by Narayana Health.

This collaboration would alleviate the financial strain on public healthcare systems, which often operate with limited resources, by distributing responsibilities across both sectors. At the same time, it would make advanced medical services more accessible and affordable to a wider population. By blending private sector innovation with the equity of public healthcare, such partnerships could help tackle the complex healthcare challenges facing Western countries today.

Ensuring Inclusivity
A key strength of Devi Shetty’s healthcare model is its dedication to providing affordable care for low-income populations. In Western countries, where income inequality impacts healthcare access, innovative models are needed to extend quality care to underserved communities.

Western healthcare leaders could adopt strategies such as tiered pricing systems or sliding-scale fees based on income, as well as expanding subsidised care for lower-income groups. By prioritising affordability, these initiatives can help reduce health disparities and ensure that more people, regardless of income, receive the care they need. This would improve individual health outcomes and enhance overall public health.

Embracing Change
Shetty’s success stems from his entrepreneurial approach and willingness to disrupt conventional healthcare models. In contrast, Western healthcare systems often resist change, weighed down by entrenched practices and inertia. However, technological advancements and shifting demographics demand greater flexibility.

Western healthcare leaders must embrace new business models, pricing structures, and care delivery systems to meet their evolving challenges. Moving from maintaining the status quo to fostering a culture of innovation will be key to improving healthcare accessibility and affordability in aging societies. By encouraging experimentation and change, leaders can better respond to the needs of their populations.

Designing for the Future
Narayana Health’s model stands out for its scalability and adaptability across diverse settings, without sacrificing its core principles of high-volume, affordable care. From a single hospital, it has expanded to multiple locations, consistently maintaining quality and efficiency. This success is driven by streamlined operations, centralised procurement, and a focus on high-volume procedures, which reduce costs per patient.

In contrast, Western healthcare systems struggle with scaling due to bureaucratic hurdles, regulatory barriers, and fragmented services. To address these challenges, scalability should be prioritised in healthcare reforms. Leaders must design systems that can be easily expanded and adapted to meet increasing demand, particularly in underserved areas. By adopting scalable models like Narayana Health’s, Western healthcare can ensure that innovations benefit larger populations, extending advanced care beyond isolated regions and improving access for all.


The healthcare model pioneered by Devi Shetty at Narayana Health offers a compelling pathway for reforming Western healthcare systems, which face mounting challenges. The recent Darzi report authoritatively diagnosed the issues confronting NHS England - such as aging populations, rising costs, unacceptable waiting times, and workforce pressures - but did not offer solutions, as this was outside its remit. Shetty's model provides a practical approach that could inform future reforms in the West. Narayana Health demonstrates that high-quality, affordable care can be achieved through innovation and efficiency. By focusing on high-volume procedures, streamlined operations, and creative insurance solutions, it delivers world-class healthcare to millions in India. Western healthcare leaders could adopt similar strategies, including task-shifting, centralised procurement, and scalable insurance models, to lower costs and improve access, especially for underserved populations. Telemedicine and preventive care, both key elements of Shetty’s model, could also play transformative roles in making healthcare more sustainable and inclusive. By embracing these innovations, Western healthcare systems could overcome many of the challenges outlined in the Darzi report, ensuring more equitable and accessible care for all.
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Devi Shetty’s model for affordable healthcare

On the 26th March 2019 Bloomberg Businessweek published an article entitled, "The World’s Cheapest Hospital has to Get Even Cheaper”, which describes one of India’s largest private hospital chain's - Narayana Health - response to Modicare, a signature initiative by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to provide basic healthcare for 500m of India’s poorest.
Devi Shetty, a world-renowned cardiac surgeon and chairman of Narayana Health, is up for the task. Since Shetty founded Narayana in 2000 it has grown to become a large multi-speciality hospital chain, comprising 31 state-of-the-art tertiary hospitals across 19 cities, employing 16,000 and each year treating over 2.5m patients across more than 30 medical specialities. Shetty’s mission is to provide high quality, affordable healthcare services to the broader population in India and he is convinced that quality and low-cost healthcare are not mutually exclusive. In conjunction with the state of Karnataka, Shetty has created a health insurance plan, which has enrolled some 3m poor people at an annual premium of about US$2.6. More than half of Narayana’s cardiac operations are performed on patients too poor to afford the full cost. In addition to the insurance scheme free or subsidized inpatient care is achieved through philanthropy and a cross-subsidy model, in which higher-income patients pay more for nonclinical amenities, such as private recovery rooms. Since the total charges are still far below the cost of comparable services at other private Indian hospitals, Narayana Health remains an attractive option for such consumers. Narayana Health’s business model is sustainable because of its ability to attract so many patients who can pay full price.  The Wall Street Journal has dubbed Shetty, The Henry Ford of Heart Surgery because he applies assembly line concepts to surgery in order to optimize productivity, minimize costs and leverage economies of scale. Because of these innovations the average cost of open-heart surgery, as reported by Narayana Health, is less than US$2,000. The same procedure at a US research hospital typically costs more than US$100,000.
Since 2012 HealthPad has worked closely with Devi Shetty. We published our first Commentary about Narayana Health and Devi Shetty’s model for affordable quality healthcare in 2013 and in subsequent years published two more. Shetty and his fellow senior surgeons have contributed over 700 videos to HealthPad’s  content library, which address FAQs across 11 clinical pathways. Further, Narayana’s clinicians have featured in HealthPad Commentaries on Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),  Diabetes and Kidney Disease and Cardiovascular Disease.  Because of the large and growing international interest in Shetty’s alternative model for affordable healthcare we re-publish lightly edited versions of HealthPad’s three Commentaries about Narayana Health.


Will Devi Shetty have a major influence on global healthcare?
February 3rd, 2016

Devi Shetty’s hospital of the future
October 1st, 2014

The UK’s NHS loss is global healthcare’s gain
August 14th, 2013
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First published on 14th August 2013

The UK’s NHS loss is global healthcare’s gain

In 2011 Devi Shetty, an Indian doctor, received the coveted business process innovation award in London from The Economist for his contribution to global healthcare. Trained as a cardiac surgeon in the UK, Shetty returned to India and started a hospital in Bengaluru in 2000. Today, Shetty is on the cusp of changing healthcare in the 21st century.
Shetty’s no-frills hospital chain
In 2012 Shetty launched the first in a chain of no-frills hospitals: a 200-bed single-storey clinic in Mysore, India. Built in 10 months for US$7m, it charges only US$800 for open heart surgery. Shetty rejected the multi-storey hospital model, because it requires costly foundations, steel reinforcements, lifts and complex fire and safety equipment. Much of the Mysore building was pre-fabricated. Its five operating theatres and intensive care units are the only air-conditioned places and families are encouraged to provide supplementary care for patients.
Shetty’s no-frills hospital chain owes its existence to his pioneering hospital in Bengaluru.
Shetty’s medical city in Bengaluru
In 2000 Shetty started Narayana Hrudayalaya, a specialist hospital for cardiac surgery, which today performs the highest number of heart surgeries in the world for any one hospital: 7,000 annually and does not compromise on quality. “We are only technicians,”  says Shetty. ”We realised that as you do more surgical procedures, your results get better, and your costs go downIn the US the average cardiac surgeon does about 2,000 surgeries in his or her professional lifetime. We have surgeons who have done more than 3,000 surgeries and they’re only in their 30s . . . imagine the expertise that they have, at that young age.
Medicines and associated hospital costs in India are significantly lower than in the West, but Narayana offers Indian patients value for money. The average price for open heart surgery in Narayana is around US$2,000, compared to US$5,000 in the average private Indian hospital and $20,000 to $100,000 in a US hospital.
Shortly after starting his Bengaluru cardiac centre, Shetty acquired a 35-acre site next door and built a 1,400-bed cancer hospital and a 300-bed eye hospital and created Narayana Hrudayalaya Medical City, which has 3,000 beds in Bengaluru and is run at near to full capacity. In total Narayana has some 7,000 beds in a number of clinics and hospitals throughout India, and plans to expand to 50,000 beds in the next five years.
In association with India’s Space Research Organization, Sherry's Bengaluru hospital runs one of the world’s largest tele-cardiology programs, which reaches 100 facilities throughout India, over 50 across Africa and Narayana’s doctors have treated some 70,000 patients remotely. Narayana Health also disperses 5,000 kidney dialysis machines, which makes the company India’s largest kidney-care provider.
Health insurance
With the state of Karnataka, Shetty has created a health insurance plan, which has enrolled some 3m poor people at an annual premium of about US$2.6. Last year, about 60% of Narayana Hrudayalaya cardiac operations were performed on patients too poor to afford the full cost.
Shetty however is not a charity. His hospitals treat a cross section of patients at variable rates but refuse to turn away anyone who cannot pay. “Charity,”  he says, “is not scalable. Good healthcare depends on good business.”  Shetty’s hospital group earns an after-tax profit of 8%, slightly above the 6.9% average for a US hospital.
Health City Cayman Islands
Shetty has now turned his attention outside of India and is engaged in a joint venture with the government of the Cayman Islands and a group of American institutional investors, to construct and operate a hospital in Grand Cayman to capture share from the North and South American healthcare markets.
The first phase, a 140-bed tertiary care facility for cardiac surgery, cardiology and orthopaedics, was opened in 2014 and benefits from the cost-effective healthcare procedures honed by Shetty over the past decade. By 2020, the Cayman enterprise, which also will have a medical university and an assisted-care living community, is projected to expand into a 2,000-bed Joint Commission International-accredited Health City providing care in all major specialties.
Super-size hospitals
At a time when the global healthcare debate is emphasising community based preventative strategies, Shetty’s vision is, “affordable healthcare for everyone in super-size hospitalsToday healthcare has got phenomenal services to offer,” he says. Almost every disease can be cured and if you can't cure patients, you can give them meaningful lives.” Shetty is driven by the fact that a century after heart surgery was developed only 10% of the world’s population can afford it. Each year, India alone needs 2.5m heart operations and yet there are only 90,000 performed.
"Current regulatory structures, policies and business strategies [for healthcare] are wrong,” says Shetty, If they were right, we should have reached 90% of the world's population." Recently, he shocked a UK audience of health providers by suggesting that it would be better if England only had three centres for cardiac surgery rather than 22. 
The Henry Ford of heart surgery
Sir Bruce Keogh, the UK’s former National Medical Director of the NHS Commissioning Board, once suggested that healthcare in England should become more like retail. Shetty thinks like a retailer, views patients as “customers” and has employed mass production techniques used in the early 20th century to automate the American car industry. Known as, “the Henry Ford of heart surgery”, Shetty has demonstrated that high volume complex surgeries mean better outcomes and lower costs. Similar to what Henry Ford did for the auto industry, Shetty has disaggregated clinical procedures into a number of discrete, standardized, unambiguous units, which can be learnt, practiced and repeated. His methods have successfully reduced hospital costs, increased efficiency, enhanced the quality of care and eliminated clinical mistakes. According to Shetty, “Healthcare has huge variation in procedures, outcomes and costs . . . It is the lack of standardization that contributes to hospital mistakes, high costs and low quality of care”.
Change is inevitable
Shetty is convinced that the dearth of health workers worldwide will force change and increase the use of emerging healthcare technologies. An advocate for open technological systems, he says, “In five years a computer will make more accurate diagnoses than doctors. In 10-years it will be mandatory for a doctor to get a second opinion from a computer before starting treatment.
Not only will Shetty’s Health City Cayman Islands be a lower cost alternative for North and South American patients, it will demonstrate how over-priced and inefficient hospitals in the West are. However, it is not altogether clear whether Shetty’s formula for low-cost high-quality surgical procedures will be effective outside of India. This is mainly because high quality ancillary services associated with complex surgeries, which are relatively inexpensive in India, tend to be patchy and significantly more costly outside of India. Notwithstanding, Shetty is determined to provide the world with a model of affordable healthcare.



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  • Narayana Hrudayalaya (NH) is an innovative Indian healthcare provider
  • In just 15 years NH has become one of India’s leading hospital groups
  • Founded by Dr Devi Shetty, a heart surgeon, NH treats nearly 2m patients a year
  • NH has built an international reputation for affordable quality healthcare
  • A number of large institutional investors are betting that NH can grow
  • Is NH’s model of affordable quality healthcare replicable outside of India?

Will Devi Shetty have a major influence on global healthcare?
Dr. Devi Shetty, founder and chairman of Narayana Hrudayalaya (NH), an innovative Indian healthcare provider, wants to transform the way healthcare is delivered across the world. Can he do it?
This Commentary is in three parts. Part 1 is a general introduction to NH and its 2015 initial public offering. It describes some of NH’s internal challenges and suggests that it is reasonable to assume that these will be overcome given its position within a buoyant Indian healthcare market. Part 2 describes some key aspects of NH’s model for affordable quality healthcare. In particular, it shows how Shetty has embraced information technology and some aspects of scientific management to create mega hospitals in India that delivers sustainable high-volume affordable quality care. Part 3 discusses some of the challenges associated with replicating the NH model outside of India. It briefly describes Shetty’s initiative to create a medical city in the Cayman Islands to capture share from the North and South American healthcare markets. It discusses some of the barriers to replicating the model in the UK and other developed markets and suggests that besides India; Africa, - despite its complexities and challenges - might offer NH growth opportunities. It also suggests that NH could play a leading role in training a new generation of healthcare professionals specifically attuned to the vast and escalating healthcare needs of developing economies, and this could be commercially valuable.
London-based financial institution CDC and a number of others think Shetty can provide the world with a new model of affirdable healthcare. In December 2015 the CDC Group, owned by the British government, with an investment portfolio valued at £2.8bn, backed NH’s initial public offering (IPO) with an investment of US$48m. The IPO valued NH at US$1bn. The issue was 8.6 times oversubscribed, with most of the demand coming from foreign institutional investors. Beside CDC, other anchor investors included the government of Singapore, Morgan Stanley, Nomura, BlackRock, and Prudential.
Dharmesh Mehta, former managing director and CEO of Axis Capital, one of the bankers to the issue, said:  “We got one of the best anchor books, with several long-term investors supporting it. Investors are bullish about the Indian healthcare space, especially hospitals, and Narayana Hrudayalaya has a unique business model, and the backing of good quality management.”
In the video below Shetty argues that, “Healthcare of the future will not be an extension of the past.” Shetty has a good understanding about how technology is revolutionizing the way healthcare is delivered and changing its structure and organization to such an extent that the future of healthcare will be dramatically different from what it is today. Healthcare is moving beyond the hospital towards patient self-knowledge and empowerment. Home-healthcare services facilitate enhanced doctor-patient connectivity where it had not been previously possible.

(click to play the video)
Narayana Hrudayalaya
Shetty, who has more than three decades of experience as a cardiac surgeon both in the UK and India, founded NH in 2000. Since then, it has become one of India’s leading healthcare service providers; with a network of 23 multi-specialty, primary and tertiary healthcare facilities, eight heart centers, and 25 primary care facilities, across 32 cities, towns and villages in India. Currently, NH has 5,600 operational beds, which it intends to increase to 30,000 by 2020. NH employs some 12,500 people, including 818 doctors, 5,400 nurses and about 1,660 visiting consultants.

In fiscal year 2015, Narayana provided care to nearly two million patients and undertook more than 51,456 cardiology procedures, 14,000 cardiac surgeries - which accounted for 10% of the national figure - and 184,443 dialysis procedures. Narayana posted revenues of US$219m for fiscal year 2015 and profit after tax of $2m. For the four fiscal years that ended March 31, 2015, the company’s revenues grew at a compounded annual rate of 30%.
Access to healthcare for millions of poor people
NH has one of the world’s largest telemedicine networks with 150 centers including 50 in Africa, where Shetty sees further expansion opportunities for NH. The service is free-of-charge and enhances the connectivity between remote health facilities and consultants at Narayana. Shetty, a vocal advocate of affordable healthcare, helped design the Karnataka State government Yeshasvini scheme, which is one of the largest self-funded micro healthcare insurance programs in India. It covers about 2 million people who previously did not have access to healthcare. Participants pay US$1.40 per year, which provides them with free access to over 800 surgical procedures in 400 hospitals. In the past 10 years, 85,000 peasant farmers have used the insurance to have surgery.

NH faces some challenges. Its profit margins are low and its revenues are mainly derived from three of its largest hospitals, which concentrate on cardiac care and cardiology. As of March 2015, the company’s recent acquisitions and expansion into the Cayman Islands, where it opened a 130-bed tertiary hospital, were making losses.

However, NH’s acquisitions and expansion are strategic and their pay-offs are expected to accrue over the next four years. Also, higher yields from value-added therapies such as oncology, neurology and gastroenterology are anticipated to improve Narayana’s average revenue per operating bed (ARPOB). The company’s strategy to focus on the mid-income segment of the market is predicted to increase its utilization, given that this is a large, rapidly growing and immediately addressable market. Narayana is also advantaged by its history of efficient use of capital: it has a debt-equity ratio of only about 0.3. 

Market drivers

In 2015 investors might have been influenced by the falling gold, oil and real estate markets and the relative attraction of the Indian healthcare sector, buoyed by changing demographics, rising incomes and a large and expanding middle class, greater health awareness, changes in disease profiles and a rising penetration of health insurance. By 2020 India is expected to be the world’s third largest middleclass consumer market behind China and the US. By 2030 India is projected to surpass both countries with an aggregated consumer spend of some US$13 trillion. A 2019 study by the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) suggests that if India continues to grow at her current pace, average household incomes will triple over the next two decades, making the country the world’s fifth-largest consumer economy by 2025, up from the current 12th position.

While recognizing the challenges for India’s healthcare sector, investors must have thought that NH is well positioned to take advantage of the expected explosion in India’s middleclass consumer market. Narayana has a strong brand name and it is one of India’s leading healthcare companies, with significant revenue growth over the past four years. Its services appear cheaper than those of its competitors, such as Chennai’s Apollo Hospitals Limited, which has about four times the revenues of NH and Delhi’s Fortis Healthcare, which is about three times bigger in revenue terms. This suggests that NH has scope for substantial growth. 

International attention
Healthcare systems worldwide consume a large and escalating share of national incomes and costs and quality of care are the two most hotly debated issues among healthcare professionals. Does Shetty have an answer?
For many years, Shetty has attracted international attention. For example, in 2010 a UK prime ministerial delegation visited NH’s Medical City in Bengaluru. Vince Cable, then the UK’s Business Secretary, said: “What we're trying to do in the UK is to get more for less. Dr Shetty has shown us a model by which we do not need to accept inferior healthcare because there's less money, but actually how to get more out of the system for less resource,” Cable described his visit as “inspirational” and went on to say, "I just found it overwhelming. NH combines what we always see in a good health system, which is humane humanitarian behaviour, with sound economics."
The Henry Ford of heart surgery
Worldwide, the demand for healthcare services is rising faster than its supply. By focusing on an endeavour to make doctors more effective, NH has demonstrated that it can deliver what healthcare systems need: enhanced patient outcomes for less money.  “We have invested in infrastructure. Similar infrastructure in the UK and the US is used for about eight to nine hours a day. Ours is used for 14 to 15 hours a day, which allows us to perform the high volume of procedures,” says Shetty. In 2009 the Wall Street Journal referred to him as “the Henry Ford of Heart Surgery”.
In a similar way Henry Ford used large factories and mass-production techniques to manufacture a large number of quality cars, which many ordinary people could afford; so, Shetty developed large hospitals and a significant skill base, which he used to improve the quality of surgical procedures and reduce costs. This enabled him to offer large numbers of people access to affordable high-quality healthcare. 
NH doctors, who are on fixed salaries, work in teams. Each team comprises a specialist, a number of junior doctors, trainees, nurses and paramedics. A bypass surgery typically takes about five hours. The actual grafting, which is the critical part, takes only an hour and is performed by an experienced specialist surgeon, while harvesting of the veins/arteries, opening and closing of the chest, suturing and other procedures are carried out by junior doctors. Nurses and paramedics handle the preparation and the aftercare of the patient. This Henry Ford-type process leaves the specialist free to perform more surgeries. As the volume of surgeries increase, outcomes improve, and costs are reduced. A heart surgery at NH costs less than US$2,000 per operation.
NH’s lower costs have not come at the expense of quality. Narayana’s mortality rate for coronary artery bypass procedures is 1.27% and its infection rate 1%, which are as good as that of US hospitals. Incidence of bedsores after cardiac surgery is anywhere between 8% and 40% globally, whereas at NH it has been almost zero in the last four years.
It can’t be done!
When we started our journey, we were discouraged by people saying that, ‘there is no such thing as low-cost high-quality healthcare’, and that ‘healthcare is expensive and will always be expensive’. Only when people become wealthy, they can afford quality healthcare . . . . . When I grew up, I looked at some of the richest countries in the world, struggling to offer healthcare to its citizens and quickly realized that even if India became a rich country, it still would not be able to guarantee healthcare to everyone. We had to change the way we were doing things and this is what we’ve done,” says Shetty.
Socializing the P&L
UK doctors and health providers often talk about reducing the costs of healthcare, but, says Shetty, “doctors usually have no idea how much they are spending”.  In contrast, at noon every day all NH doctors receive an text with NH’s previous day’s revenue, expenses and EBIDTA (earnings before interest, depreciation, taxation and amortization). According to Dr. Ashutosh Raghuvanshi, NH’s CEO, “When you look at financials at the end of the month, it’s a post-mortem. When you look at them daily, you can do something to change things”. The daily data doctors receive describes their operations, and the various levels of reimbursement. “It’s not just a cheap process, it’s effective,” says Raghuvanshi.
In the video below Shetty suggests that a key factor for the future success of NHS England will be its ability to re-invent itself, increase its focus on costs and outcomes, benchmark key functions with successful international comparators and instil strict financial discipline in doctors, “because they represent the biggest spend in healthcare systems,” says Shetty.
 (click to play the video)   
Information technology
Healthcare systems require radical change at every level in order to reduce the vast and upward trajectory of unsustainable costs, improve patient experiences and outcomes, speed the translation of research into therapies and make healthcare accessible to everyone. Information technology helps in these regards. NH regularly mines data to raise the quality of care and patient outcomes. Its business intelligence activities manage real-time data on 30 different parameters that track and support efficiency improvements. Those related to clinical outcomes are then reviewed at a weekly meeting, where all major clinical procedures are discussed among doctors and best practices shared. This way NH maps the cost effectiveness of each doctor.
Affordable quality healthcare outside India
An example of Shetty’s model of affordable quality healthcare working effectively outside of India is Narayana Health Cayman Islands. The Cayman government has given Shetty a 200-acre site and New York investors have backed him to develop and operate a Health City. In 2014 NH opened its first phase, a 130-bed tertiary hospital targeting the elective surgery markets of North and South America. “Narayana Health City Cayman will demonstrate how over-priced and inefficient US hospitals actually are and show that lower costs and better outcomes can be achieved outside of India just as well as in Bengaluru,” says Shetty.
The UK
There are numerous barriers to adopting the Shetty model in the UK and in other developed economies. NHS England has its innovators and there are efforts to roll-out innovations nationally, but they have limited success, mainly because innovations tend to be isolated and local and not widely known across different NHS functions or beyond sector boundaries. The lack of centralised expertise in NHS England skews perspectives and limits resources. This presents a significant obstacle to the adoption of compelling healthcare innovations, such as those demonstrated by Narayana.
Further, there is doctor-resistance to innovations in the UK. Doctors are trained to identify and implement proven and recommended treatment protocols for various disease states. To deviate from this is to run the risk of litigation. Further, health professionals in the UK are increasingly time-pressed, with the result that acquiring and adopting new and innovative pathways of care takes a back seat. See, Meeting the challenges of affordable quality healthcare. and, The end of doctors.
Medical tourism
"Medical tourism" refers to traveling to another country for medical care. The world population is aging and becoming more affluent at rates that surpass the availability of quality healthcare resources. In addition, out-of-pocket medical costs of critical and elective procedures continue to rise, while nations offering universal care, such as the UK, are faced with ever-increasing resource burdens. These drivers are forcing patients to pursue cross-border healthcare options either to save money or to avoid long waits for treatment.

In 2015 it was estimated that the worldwide medical tourism market was between US$50bn and US$65bn and growing at an annual rate of between 15%-25%. In 2015 some 1.5 million US residents travelled abroad for care, up from 0.5 million in 2007. Two of their top destinations were Costa Rica and India. Costa Rica can yield savings on standard surgical procedures of between 45% and 65%, and India, between 65% and 90%.

Beyond the US, the OECD estimates that there are up to 50 million medical tourists worldwide annually. The most common procedures that people undergo on medical tourism trips include heart surgery, dentistry and cosmetic procedures. People are attracted to well-known, internationally accredited hospitals, which have a flow of medical tourists, internationally trained experienced health professionals, a sustained reputation for clinical excellence and a history of healthcare innovation and achievement.

Already, NH attracts medical tourists from over 50 countries, it has an international reputation for excellence, many of its top health professionals have been trained and have gained clinical experience in the US and Europe and it has a significant track record in high demand areas, particularly heart surgery. This suggests that NH is well positioned to take advantage in the future growth of medical tourism and this is probably something taken into account by NH’s anchor investors. 

Because of entrenched obstacles to change in the healthcare systems of developed economies, Shetty has indicated an interest in Africa. In the past, private healthcare providers have neglected African healthcare; it has been underserved by governments, and mostly reliant on irregular help from abroad. However, this is about to change, and there is some evidence to suggest that healthcare reform in Africa is beginning. A 2016 African Healthcare Summit suggested that African healthcare spending is expected to grow to 6.4% of GDP in 2016, making it the second highest category of government investment. A Report from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) of the World Bank suggests that, over the next 10 years, there will be, “considerable African demand” for investment in hospitals, medicines and health professionals and meeting this demand, “can deliver strong financial returns.”
Healthcare providers also can take heart that a number of African countries are trying to establish or widen social insurance programs to give medical cover to more of their citizens. Further, there are six African countries with projected compounded annual growth rates (CAGR) for 2014 through 2017 of between 7.12% and 9.7%. These are: Rwanda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Cote d’Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Ethiopia.
Notwithstanding, Africa is facing a dual challenge of communicable and parasitic diseases such as malaria, TB and HIV/AIDS and growing rates of chronic conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, cancer and respiratory diseases. Increased urbanisation in many African countries, along with growing incomes and changing lifestyles, have led to a rise in the rate of chronic conditions, which are projected to overtake communicable diseases as Africa’s principal health challenge by 2030. This suggests that despite the fledging signs of change, over the next decade African healthcare will still be challenged. However, over the past 15 years, NH’s has demonstrated capabilities to meet and overcome similar challenges in India, which positions it well to succeed in Africa where it already has a non-trivial telemedicine presence.
Training health professionals
The healthcare and wellness sectors are positioned to be significant drivers of the world economy in the 21st century. Healthcare is about a US$6 trillion global market, which is increasing. Advances in medical technology, public health and governance have improved healthcare for about 30% of the world’s population. But billions of people still have no access to healthcare.
The WHO estimates that there is a shortage of nearly 13 million healthcare workers globally, but Shetty believes these shortages could be significantly higher. According to the Royal College of General Practitioners the shortage of doctors in the UK is the worst it has been for 40 years. One hundred primary care practices, serving 700,000 patients across Britain, are facing closure and the number of GP-patient consultations is estimated to rise from 338 million in 2013 to 441 million by 2017. UK experts warn that primary care doctors with too many patients will fail to provide adequate healthcare through current delivery methods and they say that this is expected to further drive patients to search online for health-related issues. See: Curing the Problems of General Practice.
Such shortages concern Shetty, who believes that the situation will only be improved with a radical change in the way healthcare is delivered. “This”, says Shetty, “will only be achieved with a change in the way health professionals are trained.” Future health professionals need to be trained for a world of e-patients. Digital classrooms will create new connections between students and health professionals and allow for access to the most current information and resources. Shetty advocates the development of a virtual global medical university, with features that include a cross-country curriculum and a reduced training period. “This is the only way we will increase the much-needed pool of healthcare talent,” says Shetty.

While change in Western healthcare systems will neither be quick nor easy, NH’s near to medium term growth will most probably come from India, the Caymans, Africa and other developing countries where the need for quality healthcare is high and growing fast, and the barriers to entry relatively low. In time, however, the US and the UK might be able to benefit from some of Narayana’s best practices so that an increasing percentage Americans may have access to high quality affordable healthcare and NHS England maybe reformed to ensure its survival.
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