Sanjay Sharma
INTERVENTIONAL PAIN PHYSICIANWe are a team of specialist medical professionals. interventional pain physicians and Neurosurgeon,whose purpose is to relieve painful conditions of spine & joints. by using advance innovative approach with proven technology.Patients failed to respond to routine medical treatment. Our medical experts from india ,USA,europe,indonesia,middle east.put forth a joint opinion on selected cases by using advance medical knowledge & technically expertise.
JPRC is backed up by DR SANJAY SHARMA MBBS,DA,FIPM & Dr Tramboo MD FIPP (USA). Dr Lalit Bhardwaj Neuro trambo is examiner for FIPP exams and director of relives pain clinic. Dr. tramboo is also board of director for TRUMINIM. Dr tramboo is inventer of novel technique for percutaneous laminoplasty.
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Dr. Sarang Rote
Best Neurosurgeon in PuneDr. Sarang Rote is a Consultant Neurosurgeon & Neurointerventionist in Pune. He had very well focused training from specialty-specific Legends in Neurosurgery as well as with new generation Neurosurgeons around the world. He is trained in Neurointervention to form the pioneers of Neurointervention and many others. Also, he is well trained in the use of all-new advanced minimal invasive modalities, and technology. His area of interest are-
Cerebrovascular diseases for which he offers microscopic cerebrovascular neurosurgery as well as endovascular neurosurgery i.e. Neurointervention.
Skull base tumors & other lesions for which he offers microscopic as well as endoscopic skull base neurosurgery.
Stroke intervention & surgery.
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- Hydrocephalus is a chronic condition that occurs when excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collects in your brain’s ventricles and increases pressure inside your head
- Failure to treat the condition can lead to morbidity and death
- First line therapy is the surgical insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS) to restore your CSF circulation
- A significant risk with the procedure is infection
- To reduce infection manufacturers’ impregnate standard shunts with either silver or antibiotics and market the impregnated shunts at higher prices
- Which VPS (standard, silver or antibiotic) provides patients with the most protection from infection?
- Which VPS is most cost effective for healthcare systems?
“It” is Hydrocephalus; a chronic condition that occurs when excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) collects in your brain’s ventricles, (fluid-filled areas). CSF disperses from your ventricles around your brain and spinal cord. Too much CSF may result in an accumulation of fluid, which can cause the pressure inside of your head to increase. In a child, this causes the bones of an immature skull to expand and separate to a larger-than-normal appearance.
There are no medical therapies to effectively treat hydrocephalus. The only viable treatment is surgical. The gold standard therapy is the insertion of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (VPS), which is a common surgical procedure to restore your CSF circulation, regulate its flow and allow you to have a normal daily life. Notwithstanding, a significant challenge is infection at the site of the surgical wound, the shunt or in the cerebrospinal fluid itself (meningitis). This effects about 15% of hydrocephalus patients and may result in further surgeries, extended hospital stays, a reduction in your quality of life and a significant hike in healthcare costs.
To reduce potential infection manufacturers’ impregnate standard shunts with either silver (silver has benefits in reducing or preventing infection) or antibiotics and market the impregnated shunts at higher prices.
There are two principal classifications for hydrocephalus: (i) communicating and (ii) non-communicating hydrocephali. Both can be subdivided into congenital (present at birth) and acquired (occurs following birth). Communicating hydrocephalus can also be subdivided into normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and hydrocephalus ex-vacuo, which occurs when there is damage to your brain caused by stroke or injury. It is generally understood that congenital hydrocephalus can be caused by genetic defects, which can be passed from one or both parents to a child, but the direct hereditary links are still being investigated. Notwithstanding, experts have found a connection between a rare genetic disorder called L1 syndrome and hydrocephalus. L1 syndrome is a group of conditions that mainly affects the nervous system and occurs almost exclusively in males.
Most babies born with hydrocephalus or who develop hydrocephalus as infants will have a normal lifespan, and approximately 40 to 50% will have normal intelligence. Seizure disorders have been diagnosed in about 10% of children with hydrocephalus and the mortality rate for infants is approximately 5%.
In the video below Sanj Bassi, a Consultant Neurosurgeon at King’s College Hospital, London and a member of the London Neurosurgery Partnership, describes hydrocephalus:
Signs and symptoms
Diagnosing hydrocephalus
In the video below Bassi describes how hydrocephalus is diagnosed:
A shunt consists of two thin, long flexible hollow tubes, called catheters, with a valve that keeps fluid from your brain flowing in the right direction and at the proper rate and thereby reduces brain pressure to a safe level. To install a shunt a surgeon will make a small insertion behind your ear and also drill a small borehole in your scull. One catheter is then threaded into one of your brain’s ventricles through the hole in your scull, and the other is inserted behind your ear and threaded subcutaneously down to your chest and into your abdomen where excess CSF can drain safely, and your body can reabsorb it. Your surgeon may attach a tiny pump to both catheters and place it under the skin behind your ear. The pump will automatically activate to remove fluid when the pressure in your skull increases. Shunts can be programmable (externally adjustable by a magnetic device) to activate when the fluid increases to a certain volume, or non-programmable. Most surgeons tend to choose a programmable model, despite the fact that in clinical studies both types perform comparably.
To determine the relative clinical benefits and cost-effectiveness of the three different ventriculoperitoneal shunts (standard, silver or antibiotic) following their de novo insertions, the UK’s National Institute for Health Research funded a large prospective multi-centre randomised controlled clinical study - The British Antibiotic and Silver Impregnated Catheters for Ventriculoperitoneal Shunts Study - (BASICS). Findings were published in the September 2019 edition of The Lancet. These concluded that shunts impregnated with antibiotics significantly reduce the risk of infection and also healthcare costs compared to both standard shunts and those impregnated with silver. Conor Mallucci, Consultant Paediatric Neurosurgeon at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital, Liverpool, UK, and lead author of the study, suggests that shunts impregnated with antibiotics should be, “the first choice for patients with hydrocephalus undergoing insertion of their first ventriculoperitoneal shunt”.
All shunts used in the study were CE marked medical devices intended for the condition. Participants were randomly assigned to three groups: one group of 536 received a standard shunt, another of 531 received a silver impregnated shunt, and a third group of 538 received an antibiotic impregnated shunt. The minimum patient follow-up period was six months and the maximum two years. Six per cent of evaluable patients in both the standard and silver groups presented with infections and required a shunt revision. This compared to only 2% in the antibiotic impregnated shunt group that became infected and needed revising. The difference is significant.
The Study’s economic findings
The research has a further significance because, despite the high medical costs of treating hydrocephalus, the annual spend on hydrocephalus research is relatively low. For example, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) invests less than US$8m per year in hydrocephalus research. This means that there is a dearth of clinical studies associated with the condition and no long-term follow-up research over the lifetime of patients.
Although BASICS is a significant study it should be mentioned that it is restricted by the relatively low proportion of patient-reported outcomes: 32, 31 and 12 reported infections after insertion of the standard, silver and antibiotic VPS’s respectively.
- In high-income countries populations are aging
- By 2050 the world population of people over 60 is projected to reach 2bn
- Age-related low back pain is the highest contributor to disability in the world
- Over 80% of people will experience back pain at some point in their life
- Older people with back pain have a higher chance of dying prematurely
- The causes of back pain are difficult to determine which presents challenges for the diagnosis and management of the condition
- The US $100bn-a-year American back pain industry is “ineffective”
- Each year 10,000 and 300,000 spine fusion surgeries are carried out in the UK and US respectively
- 20% of spinal fusion surgeries are undertaken without good evidence
- In 10 to 39% of spine surgery patients pain continues or worsens after surgeries
A triumph of 20th century medicine is that it has created the “age of the aged”. By 2050 the world population of people aged 60 and older is projected to be 2bn, up from 900m in 2015. Today, there are 125m people aged 80 and older and by 2050 there is expected to be 434m people in this age group worldwide. The average age of the UK population has reached 40. Some 22% will be over 65 by 2031, and this will exceed the percentage of the UK population under 25. 33% of people born today in the UK can expect to live to 100. However, this medical success is the source of rapidly increasing age-related disorders, which present significant challenges for the UK and other high-income nations. Low back pain (LBP) is the most common age-related pain disorder, and ranked as the highest contributor to disability in the world.
At some point back pain affects 84% of all adults in developed economies. Research published in 2017 in the journal Scoliosis Spinal Disorders suggests that LBP is the most common health problem among older adults that results in pain and disability. The over 65s are the second most common age group to seek medical advice for LBP, which represents a significant and increasing workload for health providers. Each year back pain costs the UK and US Exchequers respectively some £5bn and more than US635bn in medical treatment and lost productivity. LBP accounts for 11% of the total disability of the respective populations. This Commentary discusses therapies for LBP, and describes the changing management landscape for this vast and rapidly growing condition.
Ranjeev Bhangoo, a consultant neurosurgeon at Kings’ College Hospital Trust, London, and the London Neurosurgery Partnership describes the nature and role of intervertebral discs and how treatment options should be assessed.
“When a person presents with a problem in the lower back, which might manifest as leg or arm pain, you need to ask 3 questions: (i) is the history of the pain compatible with a particular disc causing the problem? (ii) Does an examination suggest that a particular disc is causing a problem? And (iii) does a scan show that the disc you thought was the problem is the problem? If all 3 answers align, then there maybe some good reason to consider treatment options. If the 3 answers are not aligned, be weary of a surgeon suggesting intervention because 90% of us will experience back pain at some point in our lives, and 90% of the population don’t need back surgery.”
Back pain affects approximately 700m people worldwide. A 2011 report by the US Institute of Medicine, estimates that 100m Americans are living with chronic back pain, which is more than the total affected by heart disease, cancer, and diabetes combined. This represents a vast market for therapies that include surgery and the prescription of opioids. Estimates of the prevalence of LBP vary significantly between studies. There is no convincing evidence that age affects the prevalence of back pain, and published data do not distinguish between LBP that persists for more than, or less than, a year. Each year LBP affects some 33% of UK adults, and around 20% of these - about 2.8m - will consult their GP. One year after a first episode of back pain, 62% of people still experience pain, and 16% of those initially unable to work are not working after 1 year. Typically in about 60% of cases pain and disability improve rapidly during the first month after onset.
In January 2015, a joint American-Australian research team won an American Epilepsy Society’s completion to detect seizures. The researchers developed an algorithm, which accurately predicts seizures 82% of the time. Previously, some health professionals believed that seizures could not be detected. “Until recently,” says Dr Francis Collins of the National Institute of Health, USA, “the best algorithm was hardly better than flipping a coin”.
Epilepsy, which usually presents at the end of the first or second decade, is a chronic condition consisting of more than 40 clinical syndromes affecting about 50 million people worldwide. Its cause is unknown, but may stem from birth trauma, perinatal infection, anoxia, infectious diseases, ingestion of toxins, brain tumors, inherited disorders or degenerative disease, head injury, metabolic disorders, cerebrovascular accident, and alcohol withdrawal. Treatment is through medication or surgery, and the prognosis is variable.
The most common form of the condition is temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), which is characterized by recurrent, unprovoked seizures. About 13% of patients receiving medication for TLE have inadequate seizure control. The prognosis for such patients includes a higher risk of memory loss, mood challenges, quality of life impairment, and, in some cases, death.